Copyright © 1991-2001 by Michael Marek. 
An outline of the history of space currently controlled by the United Federation of Planets, with special emphasis on planet EARTH. Version 9.0


14,000,000,000 B.C.

The Big Bang, creating the universe. Within a billion years, the Milky Way Galaxy forms. (The latest cosmological research provides the estimate of 14 billion years, plus or minus 1/2 billion years.)

Various members of the Q Continuum return in time to this point to "hide" from each other, including one who briefly brings the USS Voyager.

9,000,000,000 B.C.

Collapsing protostars form the Black Cluster.

5,000,000,000 B.C.

The Guardian of Forever portal in time is created. The creators of the Guardian eventually stop using it. (City on the Edge of Forever)

The star to become known as Sol ignites. (Scientific Reports)

3,500,000,000 B.C.

Amino acids combine to create proteins that lead to the first primitive life forms on Earth, in a region to be known someday as France. In the AGT timeline, Q and Jean-Luc Picard observe as amino acids fail to combine, due to a massive space/time anomaly. (All Good Things)

3,000,000,000 B.C.

The civilization known commonly as "The Progenitors" learns it is completely alone in its part of the galaxy, and deposits specially coded DNA material on many worlds to guide evolution. Embedded in this DNA is a message. The home world of these people remains undiscovered. (Gambit)

2,000,000,000 B.C.

The original Tagis III civilization is founded, long considered to be the first in the Galaxy. Tagis III remains the planet with the oldest known ruins.

1,700,000,000 B.C.

Multicelled organisms, similar to Algae, leave the oldest fossils yet discovered on Earth.  (Scientific Reports)

4,400,000 B.C.

The first true hominids appear on Earth, in Africa. They will later be known as Australopithecus. (Scientific Reports)

3,000,000 B.C.

On Earth, the climate cools and the first of the great Glacial Ages begins. (Scientific Reports)

2,500,000 B.C.

Hominids on Earth are using primitive stone tools. (Scientific Reports)

2,000,000 B.C.

Visitors from the Andromeda Galaxy colonize the Milky Way and begin manufacturing androids. (I, Mudd)

On Earth, hominids arrive in Asia. (Scientific Reports)

1,740,000 B.C.

The last of the race called "The Makers" from the Andromeda Galaxy dies, leaving androids who eventually adopt Harry Mudd as their ruler. (I, Mudd)

A race of millions of living organic starships enters the galaxy from beyond, living in symbiotic relationships with their humanoid crews. One of these, Gomtu, will be the last of its kind. (Tinman)

600,000 B.C.

T'Kon Empire flourishes in the Federation region with a population in the trillions, and the ability to move stars. It is destroyed in its age of Maaktoom by a super nova, leaving automatically operating outposts here and there.

On Exo III, the race known as "The Old Ones" manufactures sophisticated androids, who eventually kill their masters, leaving only one android functioning. (What Are Little Girls Made Of?)

The people of Arret colonize many worlds. (Return to Tomorrow)

550,000 B.C.

At Beta Magellan, "Bynars" begin integrating with their planetary computer net, eventually leading to binary language and thought processes.(10011001)

The first prehistoric cave drawings are made on Vulcan, including some which may portray visits of the starships of Arret. (Return to Tomorrow)

On Earth, human ancestors arrive in Europe. (Scientific Reports)

War rips away the planet Arret's atmosphere; a few scientists minds survive as stored intellect's, including Sargon, Thallasa and Hennock. (Return to Tomorrow)

197,830 B.C.

An alien race visits Earth and detects potential for civilization. It leaves facilities and parts for a series of 1000 androids to secretly guide the human race to maturity.  (Questor)

A mutation occurs within a single band of human ancestors, from which all later humans descend, a fact revealed by DNA research in the late 20-th century. The resulting new species is known as Cro-Magnon Man. (Scientific Reports)

100,000 B.C.

A species that lives for the hunt, the Hirogen, builds a galaxy-wide communications array to facilitate their passion. (Message in a Bottle)

60,000 B.C.

The first primitive Bajorian civilizations flower. In a neighboring system, the Hybitian culture begins developing technology on a world to later be known as Cardassia.  (Ensign Ro)

50,000 B.C.

As a result of evolution or extinction, Neanderthals disappear on Earth, leaving Cro-Magnon Man, Homo Sapien Sapien, as the only land-dwelling sentient species on Earth, at the peak of the fourth Glacial Age. (Scientific Reports)

47,000 B.C.

The planet Charon is devastated by racial strife, and all life destroyed. (Let That be Your Last Battlefield)

42,500 B.C.

An alien race, from far away in the Delta Quadrant, makes the first of several visits to Earth, taking over two generations for the trip each way. They discover a primitive civilization living on glacial ice fields. The aliens give "a genetic heritage" to the primitive humans, and leave, returning several times over the centuries. The humans develop an alien bone structure in their foreheads, which slowly loses prominence over the millennia, as the tribe occasionally interbreeds with other humans.

The descendents of these human-alien fusions, known as the Inheritors, migrate across North America, and serve as the ancestors of many tribes. Some of them preserve the story of the Sky Spirits, who were their ancestors.

25,000 B.C.

First evidence of woven cloth on Earth.  (Scientific Reports)

19,600 B.C.

The first known archeological excavations are conducted at Tagis III.

Competition of tribal warfare causes Vulcans to begin establishing fortified settlements around desert oasis's.

On Earth, additional humans cross the land bridge from Asia into North America. They interbreed with The Inheritors, who are already in the Americas, and in many tribes, dilute the blood of the Sky Spirits. Together with the Inheritors, they rapidly span both North America and South America. (Scientific Reports)

The immortal Dowd, later to be known as Kevin Uxbridge, arrives in the galaxy

18,000 B.C.

The Bajoran city of Bahalla becomes a lost city. According to a legend that is eventually told about the city, it will one day be found by one who has been touched by the Prophets.

15,000 B.C.

As Earth moves out of its fourth ice age, primitive indo-European settlements become the first city-states. The rising ocean level allows water to cataclysmically re-flood the Black Sea, inundating many settlements, and passing stories of The Flood and Atlantis into legend. (Scientific Reports)

10,000 B.C.

A group of proto-Iroquois people is taken to a terraformed world by the Preservers, who transplant many cultures in danger of destruction. (The Paradise Syndrome)

7,500 B.C.

Inhabitants of the Fabrina star system escape a nova in the generation ship named Yonada. They eventually forget they are in a ship. (For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky)

"The New Era" begins for the Q, as they evolve and begin to develop omniscience.

6,800 B.C.

The Bajoran culture known as "The First Republic" achieves space travel. The date is eventually designated the year 1 of the Bajoran calendar.

6,700 B.C.

The first of several alien artifacts is found in the Denorius energy belt in the Bajoran star system. The artifacts, called "Tears Of The Prophet," cause people to re-experience important memories, or visualize prophecies. They become the basis for a spiritual religion.

6,600 B.C.

The Zakdorian race earns its reputation as master strategists and survives the next 9,000 years without enemy attack.

4,000 B.C.

Humans are collected by an unknown alien civilization, for training. Gary Seven will be a descendent of these humans. (Assignment Earth)

On Beta III in system C-111, Landru's computer takes mental control of the population. (Return of the Archons)

The living starship Gomtu makes its last contact with another of its kind. Shortly thereafter, its crew is killed by radiation from an explosion in space. (Tinman)

3,834 B.C.

Akherin is born in Mesopotamia. (Requiem for Methuselah)

3,812 B.C.

Akherin discovers in battle that he is immortal. He eventually holds identities including Solomon, Alexander, Methuselah, Lazarus, Merlin, DaVinci, Brahms and Roddenberry. (Requiem for Methuselah)

2,750 B.C.

In the British Isles, construction begins on the observatory known as Stonehenge, made of giant stone blocks. Work continues for close to 1,500 years.  (Scientific Reports)

2,700 B.C.

Alien travelers visit Earth and are perceived as the Greek gods. Later they go to Pollux IV. (Who Mourns for Adonis?)

The consciousnesses of hundreds of criminals from the planet Oxmahl are stripped from their bodies and marooned on an M Class moon of Mabu VI.

2,250 B.C.

Zarabeth lives and dies in an ice age on planet Sarpeidon, in the Beta Niobe system, marooned in time by dictator Zor Kahn. Spock and McCoy visit her via the Atavachron, but return to 2267 without her.

1,953 B.C., March 5

From the perspective of Earth, the Sun, Luna, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn align "like a string of pearls." The date is recorded as the first day of the Chinese calendar by Yu, first emperor of the Xia dynasty. (Scientific Reports)

1,250 B.C.

Construction of Stonehenge ends. This feat of engineering soon becomes transformed in legend into a work of magic. (Scientific Reports)

1,200 B.C.

In the Delta Quadrant, the Praylor and Kravek species build intelligent robots to wage war on each other.

500 B.C.

Survivors of the destruction of the star Sandora visit Earth, live among the Greeks and are greatly impressed with Plutonian ideals. (Plato's Stepchildren)

240 B.C.

The 38 surviving Sandorians leave Earth after the decline of the Greek civilization and settle a world they name Plutonic. A chemical compound found on the planet conveys long life and telekinetic powers. (Plato's Stepchildren)

372 A.D.

Shapechangers, known by the pejorative "Changelings" are persecuted by humanoids in the Gamma Quadrant. The shapechangers develop a plan to insulate themselves from persecution, and begin breeding a race of warriors, to be known as the Jem'Haddar. In order to hide the fact that the shapechangers are behind the Jem'Haddar, they declare an empire they name "The Dominion" and fade into a shadowy myth of the "Founders." The Dominion, however, does not attempt to impose government on individual planets, but begins a slow process of working to control commerce and militarization between worlds.

775 A.D.

During the reign of Charlemagne, the ancestors of the Picard family begin to gain prominence in France.

890 A.D.

The Klingon species achieves Warp Drive.

970 A.D.

Kahless seizes power on Kronos, which will become the Klingon home world, and sets the pattern for centuries of tyranny. His brother, Morath, takes actions which dishonor the family name, according to the propaganda of Kahless, and the two battle for 12 days to resolve the matter. Kahless forms the First Empire, largely located on the planet. He eventually leaves Kronos, with the promise that he will return. His Batleth, the Sword of Kahless, is left behind in a place of honor.

1040 A.D.

The Hurk species invades Kronos and lays waste to large parts of the planet, after looting it of many objects of value, including the Sword of Kahless. The Klingon species is set back hundreds of years, losing the art of space flight.

1200 A.D.

War destroys the planet Zetar. Some inhabitants escape in the form of mental force. (The Lights of Zetar)

1300 A.D.

Warring civilizations of Promelia and Menthar destroy each other in a final battle at Orlius 9.

Birth of Surak, who teaches that logic is the only answer to the constant war on Vulcan. For the following century, those who believe in logic and those who resist wage a cold war, gradually becoming more violent. The followers of Surak develop an almost evangelical zeal to convert save the planet by converting all others hers to logic. In support of this quest, they use a device known as the Stone of Gol, which amplifies and directs violent emotions back at their originators.


Plague hits Constantinople. Akherin is present. (Requiem for Methuselah)


On Ventax II, planetary leaders claim to have signed a deal with the devil in the form of Ardra.

In the Gamma Quadrant, the T'Rogorands conquer a large volume of space, including the Skrians, whose legends say they came from the Alpha Quadrant, through the "Eye of the Universe"-- apparently the wormhole terminating in the Bajoran system. The T'Rogorands come into repeated conflict with the Jem'Haddar of The Dominion, which is still building its influence.


In the Delta Quadrant, an expedition of the Naceen species, from another galaxy, accidentally damages the ecosystem of Ocampa. They guide the humanoid Ocampa natives into an underground refuge, and provide all of the water, food and power the Ocampa need. Two Caretakers, a male and a female, are left behind to permanently fulfill the debt to the Ocampa. The Ocampa people typically live only 9 standard years, then transform into energy beings. A standard generation is considered to be two years. The Ocampa species is telepathic, but loses much of this ability over the next 1,000 years, due to disuse.  (The Caretaker, et al)

According to legend, Klingon warriors kill the gods of the Klingon people, because they have become too troublesome. This may also be the result of the gods not protecting them from the invading Hurk.


A group of Vulcans, later called "Romulans" by the Federation, oppose the teaching of logic by Surak. They leave Vulcan with the goal of establishing their culture on a new world. The Romulans are "written out" of Vulcan history by the followers of Surak, and later generations do not learn of them.  (Balance of Terror, et al)

Due to their sublight ships, the Romulans make several stops on habitable worlds along the way before they finally settle in the double star system designated Romulus/Remus by the Federation, in sector Z-6. Their new planet, also known as Romulus, is considered to be by far the most beautiful of the worlds they had visited.

One faction of the spacefarers, known as the D'Brun, separates from the main body of the former Vulcans, remains in space and constructs small outposts on several worlds.

On Vulcan, as war subsides, great strides are made in technology and space flight, however as the centuries pass, more and more emphasis is placed on ethical and moral development of the species.


Last celebration of the Vulcan pagan festival of Rumery.


One or more Bajoran "light sail" ships leave the Bajoran system, and visits Cardassia, and possibly other worlds. The ships are accidentally accelerated to warp speeds by a tachyon stream near the Denorious belt. How the ships survived the acceleration without a warp field or inertial compensators is unknown. At least one Bajoran ship crashes on Cardassia. Similar ships are used for the next seven centuries, at least.


Birth of Guinan's father.


Southwest American tribes, including the descendents of the Inheritors, unite to throw their Spanish rulers out of New Mexico.


Spanish conquistadors, including French mercenary Avierre Maribona Picard, return to New Mexico for a bloody reconquest.


Birth of Guinan.


In star cluster NGC-321, war breaks out between Eminiar VII and Vendikar. The leaders agree to fight the war by computers, with "killed" people going to disintegration chambers, rather than fight in actual battles.

The android Emil Vaslovik is activated. (Questor)


Famed poet John Keats is born, in England. (Historical Reports)

1805, October

The British sailing fleet, commanded by Lord Admiral Nelson, destroys the joint fleets of France and Spain in a clash known as the "Battle of Trafalgar." On the night before the battle, Nelson tours his flagship, the HMS Victory, under the impression that it may be a hopeless battle. The British fleet, however, is victorious and Nelson dies gloriously, knowing that the battle is won. Although the British win, Napoleon honors French Navy Captain Picard for valor.

The defeat at Trafalgar leaves Britain in a commanding position on the high seas, able to attack the coast of Napoleonic France at will. The French public is not told about the seriousness of the defeat, and the war continues until 1814, when Napoleon surrenders. He returns to power nine months later, and is ultimately defeated at Waterloo by forces under Wellington in 1815. Pursued by his own French people, as well as most other nations, he surrenders to British forces aboard the HMS Bellerophon at Plymouth, and dies in 1821, of cancer, on St. Helena. (Historical Reports)


Famed English poet John Keats dies, at age 26, the victim of an entity calling itself Anaya, possessing the ability to stimulate bioelectric fields in the brain in order to feed off the creativity. This stimulation, if carried out long enough, is fatal, and Anaya has the ability to travel at warp speeds, without benefit of spacecraft, and roams the galaxy in search of creativity.


A deep mine shaft is dug under the Presidio military land in San Francisco. After the shaft is abandoned, an unknown alien species from a time-phase shifted future forms a cavern off the mine, designed to focus the tryolic waves used in time travel.

On Cardassia Prime, the totalitarian government establishes a security force, called the Obsidian Order. The Order is independent from the military.

In the Delta Quadrant, one of the two Caretakers of the Ocampa species leaves her assignment to explore the galaxy. The remaining Caretaker is thus unable to procreate.


Colonel Thadeus Riker is injured during the Civil War. He eventually joins the gold rush to Alaska, and raises a family there.


A highly aggressive race, the Vaadwaur, uses subspace corridors in the Delta Quadrant to raid neighboring worlds. They are finally defeated by an alliance of worlds and enter stasis, planning to sleep for five years. The timing system fails and they sleep for 500 years. (Dragon's Teeth)

Borg records from this era are spotty. (Dragon's Teeth)


Seth Bullock is appointed the first Sheriff of Lawrence County by Dakota Territorial Governor John L. Pennington, making his office in the Black Hills gold mining boom town of Deadwood. (Historical Reports)


6 women knifed to death in London by the Jack the Ripper entity, nicknamed Red Jack. (Wolf in the Fold)

The Kirk family homesteads in Washington County, Iowa, after a brief flirtation with the frontier life in Arizona and the gold rushes of Colorado and the Black Hills.

1889, February 22

South Dakota is granted statehood in the United States of America, Earth. (Historical Reports)

1892, August 13

Data arrives in San Francisco, accidentally thrown back in time. He meets Mark Twain and also Guinan who is living on Earth in that era. Other members of the Enterprise-D crew follow, and eventually return to their present. (Time's Arrow)


Edith Keeler is born. (City on the Edge of Forever)


World War One. (Historical Reports)

The Klingon species again attains space flight and warp drive. The Second Empire is declared and the Klingons begin conquering neighboring star systems.


Nine generations before 2151, members of the Eska (sp?) people begin hunting shapechangers, whom they call "Wraiths" on a rogue planet that is drifitng between stars. Volcanic activity emits sufficnent gasses and heat to maintain a biosphere on the planet. (Rogue Planet)


Leonard McCoy arrives from the future via the Guardian of Forever, followed by Kirk and Spock. McCoy is incoherent as the result of an accidental drug overdose.  Edith Keeler dies in New York in a traffic accident. Had Kirk saved her, she would have been a world known leader of the pacifist movement.

The Star Trek timeline begins to diverge, possibly resulting from the death of a homeless man in an alley, killed by a phaser lost by McCoy. The divergence will not be generally noticeable for almost 30 years.


7 women knifed to death in Shanghai, China, by the Jack the Ripper entity. (Wolf in the Fold)


The first Dixon Hill short story, "The Big Goodbye" is published in Amazing Detective Stories magazine. Dixon Hill novels include "The Long Dark Tunnel," 1936, and "The Parrot's Claw," 1940.

Gary Seven is born on a hidden world -- the home of a race that wants to help guide the human race to maturity. (Assignment Earth)


The military of the United States arranges with famous aviator Amelia Earhart to fly over Japanese-held regions of the Pacific ocean, to gather intelligence. The flight is disguised as a round-the-world publicity stunt. Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, disappear while searching for Howland Island, largely because she does not understand proper use of her radios for direction finding. A massive search by air and sea fails to find any trace of the aircraft. (Historical Reports)

An alien race called the Briori kidnaps 50 humans from various places on Earth, including Amelia Earhart minutes before her Lockheed aircraft would have run out of fuel. The humans are taken tens of thousands of light years away to a planet in the Delta Quadrant where they are made to work in the mines as slaves. The humans eventually revolt, the Briori are all killed, and their single starship is destroyed. The humans build three cities, and grow in numbers, making a paradise of their new world. Eight of the original humans, known as the "37ers" remain in cryogenic stasis and come to be greatly honored. (The 37s)


Birth of future financier Ralph Ophenhouse. (The Neutral Zone)

Birth of Jerry Robinson. (Questor)


The United States of America enters the second World War on Earth. The war involves most governments in Europe, Asia and North America. (Historical Reports)

1947, July 2

Quark, Rom, Nog and Odo, in their Ferengi shuttle, crash near Roswell, New Mexico, Earth, after being accidentally thrown back in time from 2372. They are questioned by officials of the Army Air Force, who cover up press reports of the crash with a story about a weather balloon. The shuttle is stored in Hangar 18 of Area 51 in the Nellis Range Complex. A nurse and civilian consultant help them escape in the shuttle and they manage to return to their own time.


Roberta Lincoln is born in Brooklyn, with a star-shaped birth mark in a location which is impolite to discuss. (Assignment Earth)

Birth of L.Q. "Sonny" Clemens. (The Neutral Zone)


A group of scientists conducts clandestine experimentation which leads to advanced practical genetic engineering techniques by 1960. Their goal is to unite the world under the leadership of genetically engineered superior men and women. (Space Seed)

Miri is born. (Miri)

The Captain Proton movie serials are made. (The Bride of Chaotica, et al)


Black science fiction pulp magazine writer Benny Russell writes a story about a fictional space station known as "Deep Space Nine." The owner of the magazine, however, refuses to allow the story to be published. Benny is taken away to an insane asylum. (Far Beyond the Stars)


Jerry Robinson enters college. (Questor)


Claire Raymond is born, to eventually become a housewife. (The Neutral Zone)


A Roger Marris baseball card is printed, to eventually become part of the Kivas Fazhoe collection, until 2366.


The entire adult population of Miri's world dies from a virus created in an effort to prolong life. Only children under age 15 survive, with greatly lengthened lives. (Miri)

Jerry Robinson receives his PHD and is hired by Emil Vaslovik. (Questor)

The Kelvan Empire, in the Andromeda Galaxy, sends a ship to the Milky Way Galaxy in an effort to find inhabitable planets which can be conquered.


Roberta Lincoln graduates from High School and is hired in a secretarial job in New York. (Assignment Earth)

Emil Vaslovick disappears and his papers are taken over by a United Nations research team. (Questor)

Captain Braxton's time ship appears in the 20-th century. He does an emergency beam out, and the ship crashes in the high sierra mountains of California. Before it reaches the crash site, hippie Henry Starling has hidden the ship.

July, 1969

USS Enterprise, NCC-1701, arrives from an accidental time warp and eventually returns to 2266 successfully. (Tomorrow is Yesterday)

Apollo 11/Eagle lands on Moon. (Historical Reports)

Henry Starling releases an "isograted circuit" computer chip, based on 29th century technology. Each year, his company, Chronoworx, releases additional technology. The entire growth of the computer industry in the late 20-th century is the result of temporal interference.


The android Questor is activated by an inexperienced United Nations research team, the final android of its kind, designed to help guide the human race to maturity. The android Emil Vaslovik is deactivated. Jerry Robinson agrees to join Questor and instruct him because emotion was omitted from his jury-rigged programming. (Questor)

Gary Seven and Isis are assigned to Earth and meet Roberta Lincoln.  An American Saturn V rocket carrying a nuclear weapon platform malfunctions during launch and explodes (non-nuclear) causing world powers to agree to keep nuclear weapons out of space. The incident is not made public but is reported in historical documents which are eventually revealed.  The USS Enterprise observes the events from orbit, on a scientific mission from the year 2267. (Assignment Earth)


The Soviet Union and United States each launch permanent space stations, named Salyut and Skylab respectively, establishing a permanent manned presence in orbit. Over the following 20 years, both stations are radically expanded.


5 women knifed to death in Kiev, USSR by the Jack the Ripper entity. (Wolf in the Fold)


The first of the Voyager space probes is launched. Voyager Six eventually encounters a black hole and looses contact with Earth, ending up derelict in the Delta Quadrant. (TMP)

STS Enterprise conducts test flights, including "drop tests" and a highly successful first orbital flight. (Historical Reports)

The Soviet Union builds a second, larger space station, called Mir. Salyut reenters and is destroyed.


A permanent base is established on the Moon, as an international facility.


Transparent aluminum is patented by Doctor Nichols in San Francisco. (TVH)


Agreement is reached to establish a permanent colony on Mars. NASA designs the DY-100 class of spacecraft, using Nuclear power and designed for interplanetary travel. The DY-100 class is primarily intended for Earth orbit to Mars orbit flight, in support of colonization efforts, and to use cryogenic sleep for passengers.


Eugenics War begins--which Spock identified as the last world war on Earth, (disregarding the conflict circa 2078). In 1992 and 1993, genetically engineered "supermen" simultaneously seize power in over 40 nations. From 1992-1996, Kahn Noonien Singh, a native on northern India, has absolute control of a third of the world from Asia through the middle east, before the free world manages to overthrow him.

"The Fall of Communism," as all socialist governments are overthrown by the Supermen.  The United States and Canada remain free, and become the focal point of world-wide resistance. The supermen capture the Earth-orbit space stations. Without these way-stations available, the lunar colony is cut off from Terrestrial support. Residents take desperate measures to survive. (Space Seed)

The book "Chicago Mobs of the Twenties" is published in New York. (A Piece of the Action)



The Supermen begin constructing a handful of the prototype DY-100 class sleeper ships, near the Mir and Skylab space stations, which they control. The ships are named after famous historical colonies on Earth. Resistance to the rule of the supermen is strong, and they have increasing trouble holding the countries they have conquered. (Space Seed)

The cryogenically frozen bodies of Ralph Ophenhouse, Claire Raymond and L.Q. "Sonny" Clemens, and others, are launched into deep space. (The Neutral Zone)

The Presidio is closed as a military base. (Historical Reports) Following the Eugenics War, it will be turned into a national park and research center, and will eventually become the site of Starfleet Headquarters and Starfleet Academy.


The last of the Supermen is overthrown. One of their last bastions is in the Mir space station.

First manned expedition outside the Solar System--Kahn and 81 followers escape Earth in the sublight DY-100 class SS Botany Bay, in suspended animation. With the disruption of the war, the liberators of the Mir space station do not realize that one of the DY-100 ships is missing (or if they do, the information is suppressed).

United Nations is reorganized in the wake of the Eugenics Wars. All former totalitarian states become democracies. The New United Nations becomes a stronger force in government than the former organization. (Space Seed)

A rescue mission reaches the Lunar Colony. 

Phineas Tarbolde writes his famous love sonnet "Nightingale Woman" on Canopis I, under the creative stimulation of the entity Anaya, who eventually kills him. (City on the Edge of Forever)


In spite of predictions, there are no serious problems at midnight on December 31 when it had been feared that computer systems would fail because they could not handle a year not beginning in "19." (Historical Reports)


The DY-100 ships designed by NASA and built by the Supermen are allocated for exploration of the solar system. They use cryogenic technology, placing space travelers are in suspended animation for most of the journey.

Voyager Six is found in the Delta Quadrant by units of a world of computers and machines, where intelligent organic life no longer survives.  Voyager's simple "collect information and report back" programming appeals to the planetary intellect, which begins building a giant spacecraft to carry Voyager back to Earth. However Voyager's programming, damaged by the black hole, leads it to believe that it is destined to merge with its creator. (TMP)

At the end of December, Shannon O'Donnell meets Henry Janeway at his bookstore in Portage Creek. Long a holdout, he agrees at the last minute to sell his store, allowing construction to begin on the Millennium Gate, a half-mile-high habitat that serves as a model for the first human colony on Mars.

The old Millennium ends on the night of December 31, 2000.


The new Millennium begins on the morning of January 1, 2001.


Colonel Sean Jeffrey Christopher commands first manned Earth-Saturn probe, in a DY-100 class sleeper ship. (Tomorrow is Yesterday)


The "Nomad" interstellar life-searching probe is launched from Earth. Dr. Jackson Roykirk, a brilliant but erratic cyberneticist, leads the science team that builds Nomad. (The Changeling)


Buck Bokai plays his rookie year for the Kings baseball team.


Invention of first generation impulse drive, eliminating the need for sleeper ships. The DY-100 Class ships are refitted for more cargo and scientific labs. (Space Seed)


Colonization of Mars, including adoption of the "Fundamental Declaration of the Martian Colonies" which set major precedents in interstellar law. One of the first colonizing families is named "Picard." The upgraded design of ships used for colony support, using impulse drive, is identified as the DY-500 class.

Death of Jerry Robinson, of natural causes. (Questor)


Second Manned Mission outside Solar system -- long thought to be the first. (Referenced in The Royale)


Ireland and Northern Ireland are unified after decades of terrorism against the British government in Northern Ireland.

In every major American city, "Sanctuary" districts exist, in which homeless people live. The areas have minimal security, health and welfare services, with thousands of people crowded into a small area. In San Francisco, 10,000 people live in a 20 square block area. People enter the Sanctuary district on the promise of help finding jobs, but government workers are unable to locate jobs in anywhere near sufficient quantities.

Benjamin Sisko, Julian Bashir and Jadzia Dax appear in San Francisco as the result of a transporter time-travel accident in the year 2370. Sisko and Bashir are picked up by authorities, and taken to Sanctuary district A, because they have no papers. Dax obtains papers and searches for her friends. In a street fight, Gabriel Bell is killed, helping Sisko and Bashir defend themselves. Sisko realizes that history says Bell will be instrumental in later events.

On September first, residents of San Francisco Sanctuary District A riot, to protest the lack of jobs. Six government workers in the Sanctuary Processing Center are taken hostage by Bittle "B.C." Courage and his followers. Lengthy negotiations begin, lead by Sisko posing as Gabriel Bell, and Michael Web, seeking closing of the Sanctuary Districts, and reinstatement of the National Employment Act. Although access to the computer nets are cut off by police, the residents hack access, and present a series of pleas for jobs by reasonable-sounding internees, as millions of people watch.

On the orders of Governor Chandler, however, National Guard troops storm the Sanctuary district, freeing the hostages and killing many residents guarding the hostages, including Web and B.C. Sisko is wounded protecting the hostages, but escapes. A grateful former hostage plants Bell's ID card on a corpse, so history can record his death.

Sisko, Bashir and Dax are recovered to the year 2371 by Kira and O'Brien.

The investigation of the Sanctuary riots triggers a major reform movement, and begins the steps toward eliminating want and homelessness.


The first manned mission to Mars loses its orbiter module when it is absorbed by a spatial anomaly -- the first ever detected by humans. (One Small Step)


52nd state admitted to the United States. (The Royale)


Birth on Earth of Zefram Cochrane, inventor of first generation terrestrial Warp Drive. (Based on him speaking at the dedication of the Warp 5 Complex in 2121 and apparently being found by The Companion at age 87 a short time later)


New United Nations declares that no Earth citizen shall be made to answer for the crimes of his race or ancestors. (Encounter at Farpoint)

The first practical hover cars come into common use on Earth.

2037, July 23

Third Manned Mission outside Solar System. The ship, the Carybdis, is designed based on the experiences of the 2022 mission, and is commanded by NASA Colonel Steven Richey. Charybdis looses contact with Earth. The mission is ambitious enough to carry planetary shuttles and an extensive library, including the trashy paperback novel "The Royale" by Todd Matthews. (The Royale)


Zefram Cochrane begins college.


Television is no longer a form of entertainment on Earth.

The Trill symbiont Dax is "born." Soon after, it is joined with a Trill named Leila, who becomes one of the first female Trill legislators.


The Carybdis arrives in the Theta 116 system. The crew is killed by alien life contaminating a shuttle. Only Col. Richey survives, in a habitat created by the aliens, based on The Royal novel. (The Royale)


The huge Hermosa earthquake causes much of southern California, including Los Angeles, to sink into the Pacific Ocean. Under 200 meters of water, the area becomes one of the world's largest coral reefs, home to thousands of species.

Zefram Cochrane is awarded his PHD in Physics. His research pioneers theories that will eventually lead him to formulate a theory of warp space and a warp space drive.


Cryogenics as a life saving technique is deemed not commercially feasible and is abandoned. (The Neutral Zone)

Hunting for recreation goes out of style on Earth. (Rogue Planet)


Opposing military juntas conduct a limited nuclear war on Earth, later called World War Three, and Colonel Green's War, causing nuclear devastation in some areas.

After the war, civilians temporarily control the military with drugs. Recovery from the war is rapid. Limited space travel resumes quickly with spacecraft and personnel which had remained in space. Large tracts of land on Earth are dedicated to park land. (Encounter at Farpoint)

The war is observed by the Sky Spirits who find no remnant of the Inheritors. They conclude that humans are violent, and have no respect for the land.


Zefram Cochrane obtains control of an abandoned missile site in Montana, with an active missile still in place. He begins an effort to implement his theories by rebuilding the missile into a spacecraft that uses his warp drive theories. At this point in Cochrane's life, he is materialistic, drinks heavily and chases women. He hopes his warp drive experiments will make him rich. (First Contact)

2063, April 4

Unknown to history, a Borg scout ship appears from the future and bombards the Montana compound where Zefram Cochrane's team is preparing to launch the first human warp drive spacecraft. The USS Enterprise, NCC-1701E also appears from the future and destroys the Borg ship. At the last second, a contingent of Borg beams to an Enterprise lower deck and begins assimilating the ship and crew. They also begin building a communications device capable of reaching the Borg of 2063 to summon them to Earth. Data creates a computer encryption code that prevents the Borg from using the Enterprise computer. A task force from the USS Enterprise assists Cochrane's team to repair Cochrane's ship, the USS Phoenix. (First Contact)

2063, April 5

Data is captured by the Borg Queen to obtain the computer encryption codes for the Enterprise computer. Picard orders the evacuation of the Enterprise, but remains on board to locate Data. Together they defeat the Borg queen by rupturing a plasma conduit. With the Borg control center destroyed, the Borg are defeated.

Zefram Cochrane's ship, the Phoenix, breaks the light barrier briefly, attracting the attention of a Vulcan survey ship that is passing through the Solar System. Altering its plans, the ship lands at Zefram Cochrane's compound in Montana. First warp mission outside Solar system--to Alpha Centauri, lead by Zefram Cochrane. Cochrane is age 29, but looks a lot older.

The Enterprise crew is recovered, the Vulcan ship does not detect the Enterprise as it returns to the future, and presumably Cochrane's workers are sworn to secrecy.  (First Contact)

Due to vast cultural differences, the relationship between Earth and Vulcan remains strained. The Vulcans watch over Earth but are reluctant to provide technological assistance, feeling that the human race is not mature enough for unlimited access to interstellar space. (Broken Bow)

Earth soon sends out a few manned ships, operating no faster than warp one and two.


USS Valiant reaches the edge of the galaxy and is eventually destroyed by its officers to prevent a psionicly accelerated crew member from returning to civilization. (Where No Man Has Gone Before)

Flying parasites attack Lauinius V.

Planet Mizar II suffers first of six planetary conquests.

Argelius II adopts a hedonistic culture. (Wolf in the Fold)


In the Delta Quadrant, the female Caretaker, Sysperia, leaves the Ocampa system, taking a few hundred Ocampa with her. While devoted to her mate, she feels compelled to explore. For reasons that are not particularly clear, she takes up residence in subspace, visiting the Ocampa colony on its space station on occasion. (The Caretaker)


In an alternate timeline, eight year old Molly O'Brien appears from the future in a time vortex. (Time's Orphan)


Earth launches an unmanned warp probe to make contact with other civilizations. It is filled with databases of human technology and knowledge. It is eventually found by a people who misuse the knowledge the probe contains, destroying their civilization. (Friendship One)


The United States of America no longer exists with 52 states. (The Royale)

Solkar is born on Vulcan, father of Skon.


A colony ship departs Earth for Terra Nova. After several years as a thriving colony, Earth loses contact with Terra Nova and the world becomes a legendary "Lost Colony." (Terra Nova)



According to a legend told among space trader families, a Y-500 class ship encounters a distress signal and salvages a life pod with nobody on board. Shortly after crewman George Webb begins acting erratically, damages the ship's engines and launches himself into space in one of the lifepods of his ship. "Boomers" tell that when the subspace static is low one can sometimes still hear his signal among the stars. (Strange New World)


In an alternate timeline, eighteen year old Molly O'Brien is returned to the future in a time vortex. (Time's Orphan)


Zefram Cochrane is found at age 87 by "The Companion" and taken to Gamma Canaris N, where he is rejuvenated. He is a much different man from the one who broke the light barrier in 2063. His contact with the Vulcans and other species has caused him to become less materialistic. After the Companion rejuvenates him, his appearance changes significantly, compared to his younger self at the same apparent age. (Metamorphosis)


Earth slowly becomes involved in interstellar trade, using ships capable of warp 1-3, taking months of years to travel between star systems. Some ships are operated by families with children born and raised between stars. (Broken Bow)

European Hegemony is formed--a loose alliance which is the first step toward world government.

The intelligent subterranean Cornonian race destroys itself after a war of several generations leaving behind booby trapped tunnels. Energy-based life forms survive on the world.

Eight women are knifed to death in the Martian colonies by the Jack the Ripper entity. (Wolf in the Fold)

SS Mariposa departs Earth on colonizing mission, Captain Walter Granger commanding. In the disruption after the nuclear war, it is forgotten.

Skon is born on Vulcan, father of Sarek.

The Trill host Leila dies, and the symbiont Dax is transferred to the body of Tobin.


Jonathan Archer is born on Earth.


Henry Archer designs a starship capable of reaching Warp Five.

An undetermined number of decades before 2151 the Vulcans develop a mining agreement with Koridan, propping up an allegedly corrupt government in the process. (Shadows of P'Jem)


An elderly Zefram Cochrane speaks at the dedication of the Warp Five Complex after which construction begins on the first Terran ship capable of Warp Five. There are hard feelings that the Vulcans are not providing more assistance and advice. Designer Henry Archer dies before the ship is finished. (Broken Bow)


Zefram Cochrane is found at age 87 by "The Companion" and taken to Gamma Canaris N, where he is rejuvenated. He is a much different man from the one who broke the light barrier in 2063. His contact with the Vulcans and other species has caused him to become less materialistic. After The Companion rejuvenates him, his appearance changes significantly, compared to his younger self at the same apparent age. (Metamorphosis)


Travis Mayweather's family acquired the Horizon and takes up the life of interstallar traders. He is probably born within the first year. (Fight or Flight)


Jonathan Archer becomes an Eagle Scout. (Rogue Planet)


"Trip" Tucker joins Starfleet, specializing in engineering. (Unexpected)


Kal Dayno, fleeing from criminals in the year 2650, hides the Taax Utat in a cave on Rhysa in what would become the Starbase 12 district. His story becomes a legend. New Jersey inventor Burlinghoff Rasmussen steals a time pod from a time traveler and visits the year 2368. He does not return.

At some point, the Vulcan and Andorian governments negotiate a treaty called the Tau Ceti Accords. It is an uneasy peace, however. (Shadows of P'Jem)


Skon enters the Vulcan Academy of Science.


Starfleet officer Jonathan Archer meets fellow officer "Trip" Tucker. They become best friends. (Unexpected)


Starfleet officer Jonathan Archer saves the life of his fellow officer and best friend "Trip" Tucker. (Unexpected)


Creation of Terran world government.

First experimentation with sub-space radio. The technology remains experimental and quirky for many years, especially when applied to long distances.

Creation of Starfleet Academy, with the motto Ex Astra, Scienta. "Science from space." Both institutions have facilities built on the grounds of The Presidio, San Francisco, Earth.

By this time, Vulcan officers have attempted to serve in Human ships several times, only lasting a few weeks because they reportedly find their Human crewmates "too chaotic." (Shadows of P'Jem)


At least in Starfleet, neckties are still worn by officers. (Shadows of P'Jem) Trains are still in use on Earth. (Shuttlepod One) The Boy Scout program still exists. (Rogue Planet)

April. First contact with the Klingon species. (Broken Bow)

April. The first starship capable of warp five, the Enterprise, NX-01, is launched. On his first mission, Captain Jonathan Archer learns that a species known as the Suliban is in contact with someone in the future who is apparently involved in a temporal cold war. (Broken Bow -- reference made to first contact with the Vulcans "90 years ago".)

Vulcan Subcommander T'Pol is named Science Officer. Commander "Trip" Tucker is Chief Engineer. Dr. Phlox is Chief Medical Officer. Travis Mayweather, who was raised on "Boomer" interstellar trading ships, is helmsman.

May 6. First contact with the Axenar. (Fight or Flight)

June. Six weeks into their mission, after three weeks in deep space, the crew of the Enterprise explores their first uninhabited world -- one where pollen causes psychotropic reactions. (Strange New World)

June. Commander "Trip" Tucker becomes pregnant after an inadvertant exchange of DNA with an alien woman. It is the first recorded interspecies pregnancy involving a human and the first recorded human male pregnancy. (Unexpected)

Enterprise makes contact with human survivors of the fabled lost colony of Terra Nova, learning that the colony was destroyed with an asteroid or comet hit the planet, releasing dangerous radiation. Colonists retreated underground. After winning their trust, Captain Archer helps the survivors move to a different continent where conditions are healthier. (Terra Nova)

The exploits of the Enterprise are followed closely on Earth since it represents a major achievement of human technology and courage. School children are particular fans, sometimes sending letters and artwork. (Breaking the Ice)

Enterprise science officer T'Pol decides to remain on Enterprise, thus ending her betrothal. While this is a violation of Vulcan tradition, she feels that her presence on Enterprise is very important. (Breaking the Ice)

November. Tensions increase between the Vulcan and Andrian governments after Captain Archer helps Andorian agents unveil a treaty violating survelience station at the Vulcan monastery on P'Jem. Andorians return and destroy the facility, giving the monks enough warning to evacuate. The Vulcan government breaks off "joint fleet operations" with the Humans, ordering T'Pol back to Vulcan. In an altercation on Koridan, she saves the life of Vulcan Captain Sopek, who then agrees to speak to the Vulcan High Command on her behalf. (Shadows of P'Jem)

November 9. Enterprise confirms the existence of microsingularities, long thought by Vulcans to exist. Tucker and Reed are trapped in the damaged Shuttlepod One for several days and are near death when rescued. (Shuttlepod One)

Late 2151. Enterprise makes first contact with a species of shapechangers living on a rogue planet drifting between stars. Archer helps the shapechangers evade hunters from another world who have been killing them for nine generations. (Rogue Planet)


Two women are knifed to death at Heliopolis, Alpha Proxima II by the Jack the Ripper entity. (Wolf in the Fold)


A brief, bloody war is fought by the Romulans against a federation of other races, primarily Terrans. The final battle, at Sherraw, is lost by the Romulans. The peace treaty is negotiated entirely by short range subspace radio. Terran Captain Stiles earns distinction. (Balance of Terror)


Creation of the permanent United Federation of Planets. (The Outcast) A fleet of "Daedalus Class" starships is built, intended primarily for exploration. Ship names include the Valiant, Essex, Archon, and the Horizon.


Sarek is born on Vulcan, son of Skon.

A Daedalus Class starship, under the auspices of the United Federation of Planets, visits the Delos star system. Two inhabited planets are reported, Brekka and Onarra. One is a pastoral society, the other close to space travel.


Plague strikes Onarra in the Delos system. The neighboring Brekkians discover a cure which turns out to be highly addictive.


The white rhino becomes extinct on Earth.

Guinan and Q have some sort of encounter.

USS Horizon visits Iotia, before the Prime Directive, leaving behind textbooks and a book on Chicago Mobsterism which changes the native culture. The ship is lost with all hands shortly after leaving.

A group of colonists arrives from Earth at Moab IV, populating a closed biosphere, to create a genetically engineered perfect society.

The Daedalus Class USS Essex, NCC-173, founders in an electromagnetic storm on a moon of Mabu VI after being captured by stranded criminals of Oxmahl.


Android Questor completes his span and deactivates in a cave in Mount Arrat, having helped guide mankind to maturity. While his creators intended him to be the last of his kind, there are indications he may have attempted to procreate. (Questor)

USS Archon visits Landru's planet and is pulled into the atmosphere by tractor beams controlled by a paternalistic planetary computer. Survivors blend with the natives and become subversives. (Return of the Archons)

On Cardassia, burial tombs of the Hybitian civilization are discovered by the current Cardassian civilization. Many artifacts are of priceless Jevenite. Some are stolen, and some are placed in museums.

Poet Ohkorim Mahn's light sail ship is pulled into the wormhole. Mahn lives with the Prophets, and his wounds are healed. Mahn is then returned to the Bajoran side of the wormhole.

A group of descendants of the Inheritors, lead by Kitalla, makes the controversial decision to leave Earth, in search of a world where they can protect their culture, rather than merge it into the United Earth/United Federation of Planets. They accept the term Indian to describe their culture, and search for 180 years before finding the perfect home for their people, on Dorvan V.

The Jem'Haddar attacks the _____ world, that has attempted to resist the Dominion. As an example, all residents of the planet are infected with a deadly virus, known as "The Blight," that can lie dormant for many years before quickening and leading to a painful death.

While investigating a planet with a natural energy barrier in 2373, the Defiant is thrown 200 years back in time and crashes. In 2373, the decedents of the crew warn the current Defiant crew. This time the Defiant does not crash and the alternate timeline is canceled. (Children of Time)


Sarek enters the Vulcan Academy of Science.


The last Daedalus Class Starship is decommissioned. The class is replaced to a new, more advanced design, including improved transporter technology. The formal class name is this series is unknown, but its ships are sometimes called "Class J" starships. It includes the second starship named Valiant.


Jonathan Archer would be 85 years old. Presumably he dies within a few years of the beginning of the new century, if he lives to die of old age.


Birth of Amanda Grayson, future school teacher, mother of Spock and second wife of Sarek.


Researchers on Dalynia II first recognize "Transporter Psychosis," a rare condition caused by the breakdown of neural chemical molecules during transport, affecting the body's motor functions, autonomic systems and the brain's higher reasoning centers.


Birth of Christopher Pike, in Arizona.

Marriage of Sarek to a Vulcan princess.  (TFF)


Birth of Sybok, son of Sarek and the Vulcan Princess, who dies soon after. (TFF)


The Class J USS Valiant-A reaches Eminiar VII and is destroyed in a local war.


Birth of Montgomery Scott, in Aberdeen, Scotland.


Marriage of Sarek to Amanda Grayson.


Leonard H. McCoy is born in Georgia, son of David McCoy.

Spock is born on Vulcan, son of Sarek, age 63.


George Samuel Kirk is born in Riverside, Iowa.


SS Columbia private research vessel crash lands on Talos IV, with one survivor, Vina, and no sub-space radio.

Christopher Pike enters Starfleet Academy. (The Menagerie)

James Tiberius Kirk is born in Riverside, Iowa. (The site of the hospital was formerly occupied by a barber shop.) In his youth he survives the rare, deadly Rigelian Meningitis. The family home is on a farm, south of Riverside. Young James acquires a love of horse back riding. 

Gary Mitchell born. 


Hikaru Sulu born, in San Francisco. (TVH)


Sybok leaves Vulcan at age 20, unwilling to follow the precepts of Surak, and in search of Shak-Ah-Ree. (TFF)

Christine Chapel is born. 

Spock and T'Pring are bonded in a mind meld. (Amok Time)

Christopher Pike graduates Starfleet Academy. 


Kevin Riley born on Tarsus IV. (Conscience of the King)

Ariel Shaw born. 

Noyota Uhura born in Africa. 

Montgomery Scott enters Starfleet Academy. 


The inconclusive Battle of Tonatu V between the Klingons and Federation forces, over disputed space, including Sherman's Planet. Federation forces are lead by Garth of Isar, the Klingons by Korrd. Lieutenant Christopher Pike earns distinction. (The Trouble with Tribbles)

Establishment of the Prime Directive. 


Pavel Andreivich Chekov born in Russia. 

Montgomery Scott graduates Starfleet Academy. 


Dr. Richard Daystrom invents the Comptronic computer system, to be installed in the Constitution Class Starships. USS Enterprise, NCC-1701, built, in Earth orbit. It incorporates a new generation warp drive providing much higher speeds and no time dilation. (The Ultimate Computer)

On Tarsus IV, Kodos the Executioner kills 4,000 people when the food supply of the world is destroyed by a fungus. 12 year old James T. Kirk, and 5 year old Kevin Riley survive, among only 9 survivors who actually saw Kodos. Starbase 74 will eventually be built as a space station orbiting Tarsus III, complete with hanger deck large enough to house a Galaxy Class starship. Death of George Kirk, on Tarsus IV. (Conscience of the King)

At age 18, Spock enters Starfleet Academy rather than the Vulcan Academy of Sciences in violation of the wishes of his father. 

Old Miss. college student Leonard McCoy has a one night stand with a gymnastics judge, visiting from Trill. He does not realize that the Trill are a joined species, and that his encounter is with the Dax symbiont, in a female host.  (Trials and Tribblations)

Medical Archeologyst Roger Corby deciphers records in the Orion ruins that revolutionize Federation medicine. (What Are Little Girls Made Of?)


Montgomery Scott is promoted to Lieutenant. 


Christopher Pike assumes command of the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701. (The Menagerie)

George Samuel Kirk enters college. 

Joanna McCoy is born, daughter of 22 year old Leonard McCoy. 

Young Jim Kirk falls in love with "Ruth," (Shore Leave). She is speculated to be a resident of the Amana Colonies near Riverside. While she is fond of Kirk, she ultimately has to break his heart because of religious differences. 

Ensign Spock graduates Starfleet Academy. In a surprisingly illogical show of anger, Sarek will refuse to speak to Spock for 18 years after the graduation ceremony, until the events surrounding the Babel Conference. (Journey to Babel)

Leonard McCoy begins medical school. 


James T. Kirk enters Starfleet Academy at age 17, meets Gary Mitchell and is harassed by an upper classman named Finnegan. John Gill is his history teacher. Tactics of Garth of Isar and the Klingon Korrd are required reading. Mitchell introduces Kirk to a blonde lab technician, possibly Carol Marcus, in order to divert Kirk from studying, which is impacting grading curve. Kirk considers marriage. (Various)


A colony ship crashes on Thasus. Three year old Charlie Evans is the only survivor. (Charlie X)


Talos IV Incident. Christopher Pike commanding Constitution Class Starship USS Enterprise, NCC-1701. Spock is a Lieutenant on board. Details classified. (The Menagerie)

The battle of Axenar, won by Federation Fleet Captain Garth of Isar. 

Hikaru Sulu enters Starfleet Academy. 


George and Aurelia Kirk are married. 

Recent divorcee Leonard McCoy receives his Medical Degree and begins a relationship with Nancy (Crater) which lasts two years. She nicknames him "Plum." 

As a cadet, James Kirk participates in the peace mission to Axenar. (Court Martial)


Ensign James T. Kirk graduates Starfleet Academy and is assigned to the USS Republic NCC-1372 under Captain Garrovick. The ship is assigned to the "inner systems" of the Federation. 


David Marcus is born. 

James T. Kirk returns to Starfleet Academy as Lieutenant (JG) for Advanced Command Training, following which he is assigned to the USS Farragut, newly under the command of Captain Garrovick.

Kirk's relationship with Janet Wallace, which terminates due to her mental problems. 


Federation encounters the Sheliak and negotiates a voluminous treaty. 

USS Farragut crew decimated by a gaseous entity which consumes red blood cells. Lt. James T. Kirk, on his first deep space assignment, survives. Captain Garrovick, killed, had been Kirk's commander since leaving the academy. 

Peter Kirk is born to George and Aurelia Kirk. 

Hikaru Sulu graduates Starfleet Academy. 

Christine Chapel enters Starfleet Academy, where she is briefly engaged to one of her instructors, Dr. Roger Corby.  (What Are Little Girls Made Of?)


Lieutenant James T. Kirk leads a survey party on a primitive planet and lives for a while with Tyree of the Hill People. (A Private Little War)

George Samuel Kirk receives his PHD. 

Noyota Uhura enters Starfleet Academy. 

Hikaru Sulu promoted to Lieutenant. 

Montgomery Scott promoted to Lt. Commander. 


Spock meets Leila Kalomi, on Earth. She falls in love, but he does not reciprocate. 

Roger Corby arrives at the planet of "The Old Ones" for research and discovers ancient androids. 


McCoy is briefly stationed on Capella IV. 

The Tagis III ruins are sealed against external inspection by the current planetary civilization, after 947 archeological excavations. 

SS Beagle, commanded by R.M. Merik, is sabotaged by Merik at 892-4. The crew becomes prisoners of the quasi-Roman planetary government. (Bread and Circuses)

Ensign Christine Chapel graduates Academy. 

Dr. Richard Daystrom invents the Duotronic computer system, a major refinement of his Comptronic technology. It soon becomes the standard in all computer-based hardware. (The Ultimate Computer)

The last subspace radio transmission is received from Roger Corby, a medical archeologist who is studying the ruins of a dead civilization on Exo III. Corby withholds the information that he has discovered how to create androids who are indistinguishable from Humans. (What Are Little Girls Made Of?)


Saavik is born on a Romulan colony world. 

Kirk is promoted to Lieutenant Commander. 

Kirk's relationship with Lt. Ariel Shaw. (Court Martial)

Noyota Uhura graduates Starfleet Academy. 


Pavel Chekov enters Starfleet Academy. At the academy he has a relationship with Irina Galayoulin, also Russian, who drops out. (The Way to Eden)

Christine Chapel is promoted to Lieutenant. 


James T. Kirk promoted to Commander and given his first command--a destroyer class ship. 

Montgomery Scott named Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise at age 41. 

Joanna McCoy enters nurses training. 

Noyota Uhura promoted to Lieutenant. 


Captain James T. Kirk takes command of USS Enterprise at age 31--the youngest Academy graduate to ever be assigned as Starship Command Captain, succeeding Christopher Pike. His brother, George Samuel Kirk, his wife Aurelia and three sons see him off. Sam comments that he hopes to be transferred to Earth Colony Two, also known as Denova.

Sulu begins serving with Kirk. 

Energy field at rim of galaxy is rediscovered and reported to the Federation for the first time. USS Enterprise First Officer Commander Gary Mitchell dies on Delta Vega at age 31. Spock is named First Officer. (Where No Man Has Gone Before)

Flying parasites attack Ingraham B. 

Sarek retires from the diplomatic service as a result of a heart attack. (Journey to Babel)

Fleet Captain Christopher Pike is paralyzed by delta rays in a damaged Class J Starship on a cadet training cruise. (The Menagerie)

Curzon is born, eventually to become a Trill Host. 

Tuvok is born, on Vulcan. 


The Borg attack Guinan's home world, destroy its cities and scatter the survivors throughout the galaxy. She is not present. (BOBW)

Shortly after being assigned to the USS Enterprise, Leonard McCoy kills the last survivor of the sentient race of planet M-113. 

First contact between the Federation and the Thasians, who succored Charlie Evans. (Charlie X)

Federation discovers android technology of the long dead natives on Exo III. Research scientist Roger Corby, a former fiancé of Lt. Christine Chapel, dies. (What Are Little Girls Made Of?)

Surviving natives of Miri's world are rescued. (Miri)

First contact between the Federation and the First Federation.

Spock is promoted to Commander. (The Corbomite Maneuver)

Spock hijacks the USS Enterprise to Talos IV. General Order 7 is suspended to allow Christopher Pike to live out his live on Talos IV. The Menagerie)

Kodos is unmasked on board the Enterprise. (Conscience of the King)

First visual encounter of the Federation and Romulans. (Balance of Terror)

First encounter of the Federation and the Gorn. The Gorn attack the human colony on Cestus III. The colony is eventually reconstructed. (Arena)

Enterprise is accidentally thrown back in time to 1969 and returns successfully. (Tomorrow is Yesterday)

James T. Kirk becomes the first starship Captain to be court martialled, for the death of a crewman, later found to be falsified. He is prosecuted by Ariel Shaw and defended by Samuel T. Cogley, who teaches Kirk the attraction of books versus computer records. Kirk is acquitted. (Court Martial)

On Beta III, the Landru computer is destroyed, freeing the native culture from computer mind control. (Return of the Archons)

Pavel Chekov graduates Starfleet Academy and is assigned to USS Enterprise. 

Enterprise discovers the DY-100 class SS Botany Bay adrift in space. After an unsuccessful attempt to hijack the Enterprise, Kahn agrees to colonize Ceti Alpha V. Marla McGiver goes with him, as his wife. (Space Seed)

First encounter between the Federation and the Horta. (Devil in the Dark)

At the Starfleet Academy, five cadets are killed attempting the dangerous Colverd Starburst maneuver, and the maneuver is banned. 

Federation and Klingon forces begin a war which is peremptorily halted by the Organians who impose a treaty on James T. Kirk for the Federation and Kor for the Klingon Empire. Federation and Klingon Empire begin joint development of disputed planets under the Organian Treaty. Nimbus III is developed by the Federation, Klingons AND Romulans. (Errand of Mercy)

First and only known use of Guardian of Forever by the Federation. (City on the Edge of Forever)

George Samuel Kirk, and his wife Aurelia are killed in attack of flying parasites on Denova. Their son Peter, age about 10, survives. Their two other sons die. 

Several women knifed to death on Rigel IV by Jack the Ripper entity, nicknamed Beratis. (Wolf in the Fold)


Spock's aborted first wedding, to T'Pring. (Amok Time)

The last of the Terran Greek gods, Apollo, dies on Pollux IV. Who Mourns for Adonis?)

The "Nomad" interstellar probe, merged with alien probe "Tan Ru," destroys all life on several worlds. Kirk uses logic to make Nomad destroy itself. (The Changeling)

On Gamma Trianguli VI, the Vaal computer is destroyed, freeing the native culture. (The Apple)

USS Constellation is destroyed to deactivate the planet-eating Doomsday Machine. (The Doomsday Machine)

Federation discovers android technology of the long dead natives on Deneb V, known as The Makers. 

Zefrem Cochrane is located on Gamma Canaris N. (Metamorphosis)

Galactic conference at Babel on admission of Coridan to the Federation. Journey to Babel)

The gaseous entity which consumes red blood cells, and which decimated the crew of the USS Farragut in 2256 is destroyed on Tycho IV. 

The Jack the Ripper entity is unmasked on Argelius II and marooned to die in space. Wolf in the Fold)

Lieutenant Watley, great grandmother of Julian Bashier, transfers from the USS Lexington to the USS Enterprise. Bashier once commented "no one ever saw my great grandfather."

Klingon spies, directed by Koloth, sabotage the Federation development of Sherman's Planet. A primary Klingon operative is Arne Darvin, surgically altered to appear human. He poisons grain destined for Sherman's Planet. Kirk and Spock discover the plot, and reveal Darvin's disguise, with the help of somewhat over a million tribbles.

A hundred year older Arne Darvin returns in time in the USS Defiant to attempt to kill Kirk, and thus allow his original plot to succeed. The crew of the Defiant thwarts Darvin's new plot by finding a bomb hidden inside a tribble in the grain compartment and transporting it away to explode harmlessly in space. When the Defiant returns to the 24th century, one or more tribbles travel with them. (Trials and Tribblations)

Subsequently, the Klingon Empire declares tribbles security threat. Klingon forces scour the galaxy, killing tribbles, including destroying the Tribble homeworld. 

USS Enterprise visits Io and discovers the social contamination caused by the USS Horizon. (A Piece of the Action)

USS Intrepid, crewed by Vulcans, is destroyed by a 11,000 mile long space-going amoeba. The Immunity Syndrome)

The stored intellects of the last survivors of Arret depart their storage containers. 

Valeris is born.  (TUC)

Starfleet Academy history professor John Gill violates the Prime Directive by installing a quasi- Nazi government on Ekos. (Patterns of Force)

Federation obtains advanced warp technology from the representatives of the Kelvan Empire in Andromeda Galaxy, after they briefly hijack the USS Enterprise. The Kelvans settle a class M planet near the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy, and a robot ship is dispatched to Kelva with greetings from the Federation. 

Crew of the USS Exeter is killed by a virus at Omega IV. Captain Ronald Tracey survives due to immunity factors on the planet surface, and violates the prime directive to assist quasi-communists native to that world. 

Klingons attempt to gain influence on Capella IV and other primitive worlds. 

Enterprise engages in experimental time travel, witnessing the 1970 launch failure of a US nuclear weapon platform, and meeting Gary Seven. (Assignment Earth)

Ceti Alpha VI explodes, shifting the orbit of Ceti Alpha V and making its atmosphere poisonous. (TWOK)

Federation Fleet Captain Garth of Isar is seriously wounded in an accident, and healed by the shape changers of Antos IV. He becomes criminally insane. 

Generations of clan wars end on Achamer when a clan calling itself "The Gatherers" leaves the planet for a life of space piracy. 

A battle is fought between the Klingons and the Romulans which becomes legendary. Kor leads the Klingon forces to victory, after which the two governments form an alliance to their mutual benefit. 


Kirk's wedding to Miramanee and her death by stoning while pregnant with his child. (The Paradise Syndrome)

Federation steals Romulan cloaking technology, and captures a Romulan Captain at the same time. Her repatriation has the effect of establishing low level diplomatic contacts between the two governments. (The Enterprise Incident)

Federation first encounter with the Tholians. (The Tholian Web)

Klingon Captain Kang cooperates with Kirk to defeat a common enemy, which feeds on anger. (Day of the Dove)

Chekov, prompted by Dr. Severin, of Tiberon, believes he has located the legendary planet Eden in Romulan space, however the planet is acid and poisonous to human life. This legendary world is known as Sha Ka Ree in Vulcan, Vorta Vor in Romulan and Qui'Tu in Klingon. The Way to Eden, TFF)

The generation ship Yonada is discovered, carrying descendants of the Fabrina star system. McCoy, suffering from terminal Zenopolyesthemia, is cured by medical technology on board Yonada. (For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky)

Birth of Boothby. 

On Holberg 917 G, Akherin, aka Flint constructs the android Rayna Copic, but learns he is dieing. 

The star Beta Niobe novas, destroying it's inhabited planet Sarpeidon. All residents flee into the past via the Atavachron. 

Joanna McCoy graduates nurses training. 

Fifth Interstellar Geophysical Conference. 

First observed occurrence of a wormhole, in the 39 Titaura star system. 


An explosion of a polaric ion device on Chaltok IV nearly destroys a Romulan colony. Subsequent relief efforts and diplomatic contacts lead to a Polaric test ban treaty between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire. 


James T. Kirk surrenders command of the Enterprise, at age 36, is promoted to Admiral and becomes Chief of Starfleet Operations on Earth. Montgomery Scott promoted to Commander at age 47, and assigned to oversee the refit. Hikaru Sulu promoted to Lt. Commander, and stationed on Earth. Spock retires from Starfleet at age 42 and begins study of the Kolinahr discipline on Vulcan. McCoy retires from Starfleet at age 42. (TMP)

First meeting between the Federation and the Tamarians. Communications is not established. 


LtC Hikaru Sulu is married and soon after has a daughter, Demora. (TUC)


V'Ger attacks Earth. Kirk, age 38, leads the mission against V'ger in the fully refitted USS Enterprise and remains in command for 12 years. Spock fails to reach Kolinahr due to his inability to restrain his curiosity. His commission is reactivated, at his request. McCoy's commission is involuntarily reactivated at Kirk's demand, at age 45. Captain Wil Decker, and Deltan navigator Ilia, physically join with V'Ger and depart to other plains of existence. Noyota Uhura promoted to Lt. Commander. Christine Chapel promoted to Lt. Commander and assigned Starfleet Medical. (TMP)


The Artemis, a colony ship enroute to the Septimus Minor system, crashes on an uninhabited planet claimed by the Sheliak, Tau Cygna V. 

Tuvok and T'Pel are joined in a traditional Vulcan ceremony, promising to one day become husband and wife. 


The USS Bozeman, NCC-1941, Captain Morgan Bateman commanding, disappears in a temporal distortion field, to reappear in 2368. 


Saavik enters Starfleet Academy. 

Birth of Mark Jameson. 

Hikaru Sulu promoted to Commander. 


Alleged birth date of Kevin Uxbridge, really the immortal Dowd. 


James T. Kirk again surrenders command of Enterprise, at age 49, and takes an extended leave of absence. While visiting his uncle's ranch in Idaho, Kirk meets Antonia, and begins a two year relationship with her. They both share a love of horseback riding. Kirk purchases a home in the mountains, and acquires a Great Dane dog, named Butler. (Generations)

Kirk meets 11 year old Demora Sulu. 

Spock is promoted to Captain of the USS Enterprise. Spock and the ship are assigned to Starfleet Academy.  (TWOK)


Ensign Saavik graduates Starfleet Academy. (TWOK)

Rishan (Uxbridge) is born in the aquatic city of New Martinne Vas in the Atlantic Ocean, to become a composer of Dau classical music. 

Christine Chapel promoted to Commander. 

Janice Rand is promoted to Lieutenant Commander, and assigned to Starfleet Headquarters. Curzon becomes an initiate in Trill Host training. 

Balar becomes an initiate in Trill Host training. 

Valeris enters Starfleet Academy, sponsored by Spock. (TUC)

Kirk accepts a Starfleet position as Superintendent of Starfleet Academy. The job, the number two position at the Academy, is "Operations" oriented, as opposed to the Commandant, who is Administration oriented. Kirk deals directly with cadet training, and the Academy fleet of ships and flyers. Antonia declines to go with him, and he walks away from the relationship. He purchases a condominium in San Francisco and sells the mountain property.  (Generations)


Lieutenant (JG) Saavik returns to Starfleet Academy for Advanced Command Training. 

Boothby is hired as groundskeeper for the Starfleet Academy by Superintendent James T. Kirk. 

James T. Kirk's dog, Butler, dies. 

Kahn escapes from Ceti Alpha V and steals the Genesis Device, exploding it in an effort to kill Kirk. Spock dies of radiation poisoning while making critical repairs to the Enterprise, but leaves his Katra in McCoy's mind. David (Kirk) Marcus is killed at age 31. Enterprise NCC-1701 destroyed at Genesis I. Montgomery Scott promoted to Captain of Engineering at age 63. Spock's body is regenerated by the Genesis Wave, recovered by his shipmates and returned to Vulcan where his Katra is refused with his body. (TWOK)

Constellation Class Starship USS Hathaway, NCC 2592 is commissioned. 

The experimental USS Excelsior undergoes initial testing. It's radical new transwarp drive experiences serious problems. 


An alien probe attacks Earth resulting in first steps taken to repopulate whales on Earth. Kirk's second court martial, for theft and resulting destruction of the NCC-1701. At age 53, he is convicted, demoted and given command of the new starship Enterprise, NCC-1701 A, renamed from the USS Yorktown.  (TVH)

His new ship is promptly hijacked by Sybok to Sha Ka Ree, where they meet a renegade Cytherian claiming to be God. A slight accommodation is reached between the crews of the Enterprise and a Klingon ship. (TFF)  

The last Soyuz Class starship, a variation on the Miranda Class design, decommissioned. 

Taryus Dax is injured in a shuttle accident. He remains comatose for six months, after which Taryus is sacrificed, because his isoboramine levels drop too low. Dax is joined with Jurian Balar without official permission of the Trill Symbiosis Commission. Balar is censured, and is killed trying to escape after killing a doctor who recommended the censuring. Dax is then joined with Curson. Dax' memory of Jurian is erased, and the commission covers up the incident. Balar's actions lead to proof that half the Trill population can physiologically accept a sybiont, however there are only enough symbionts for one in a thousand of the Trill species. The Commission fears that if the public were to learn of this ability, the symbionts would be commodities and prizes for Trills who would want to obtain them for themselves. 

The experimental transwarp drive technology is declared a failure, and refitting of the USS Excelsior begins, with conventional warp engines. The Federation, however, is able to make significant improvements in warp technology as a result of the transwarp experiments. 


In the thaw between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, Curzon Dax negotiates for the Federation and becomes friends with Kor, Koloth and Kang. Kang names his first born son Dax, and Curzon becomes the child's godfather. 

Tuvok enters Starfleet Academy, at the insistence of his parents. While at the Academy, he views his human associates, and their emotions, with distaste. 

Ensign Valeris graduates from Starfleet Academy. 


Hiraru Sulu's delayed promotion to Captain becomes effective and he is given command of the rebuilt USS Excelsior, NCC-2000. The ship is assigned to the unexplored Beta Quadrant. (TUC)

Commander Janice Rand is assigned to the USS Excelsior. 

Hikaru Sulu's daughter, Demora, enters Starfleet Academy. 

Kor, Koloth and Kang are sent in command of a three ship squadron to capture a pirate ship which is raiding Klingon colonies. The raider captain, an Albino, escapes and vows revenge. He infects the first born son of each of the Klingon captains with a fatal genetic virus. The three Klingons take a blood oath to avenge the deaths, and are joined in the oath by Federation Ambassador Curzon Dax. 


Imperial Klingon ship Tong departs on a secret mission for the Klingon High Command, with its crew in suspended animation.  (Emissary)

Curzon Dax and Spock become associates, as Spock enters negotiations with the Klingon people, on detached duty from the Enterprise. 

Valeris is promoted to Lieutenant. 


Ensign Tuvok graduates from Starfleet Academy and is assigned to the USS Excelsior. 

Federation and Klingon cold war ends in the tri-lateral Khitomer Conference, prompted by the Klingon Empire's desire to scale back its militaristic stance as a result of environmental catastrophes. En route to this conference, Captain James T. Kirk is framed for the assassination of the Chancellor of the Klingon High Council, Gorkon, while Kirk's ship, the USS Enterprise, is escorting Gorkon's ship, Kronos One to a negotiating session on Earth.

The USS Excelsior attempts to reach Kronos, for a rescue mission, but is damaged and forced to retreat by a squadron of three Klingon ship. Ensign Tuvok objects that the rescue mission is in violation of Starfleet orders. Kirk escapes a Klingon prison planet, and with the aid of his crewmates, proves that Gorkon was killed by a conspiracy of Federation, Klingon and Romulan military officers. The USS Enterprise and USS Excelsior prevent the assassination of the new Klingon Chancellor, Azetbur, by Colonel West.

Admiral Cartwright, Lieutenant Valeris and other Starfleet members are court martialled for conspiracy.

The loose Romulan/Klingon alliance dissolves in violent conflict over the Romulan role in the Khitomer Conspiracy, however there remain Romulan sympathizers within the Klingon Empire.

The USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-A, is removed from service and mothballed in a Starfleet storage facility. Spock remains in ambassadorial service at age 65. James T. Kirk retires at age 59. Leonard McCoy transfers to Starfleet medical at age 65, and is promoted to Captain of Medicine. Montgomery Scott is assigned to Starfleet Headquarters, Earth, at age 70 and supervises revision of many key engineering regulations. He spends his spare time sailing. Uhura becomes an Academy instructor.  (TUC)

The Klingon empire begins efforts to evacuate its home world, Kronos, with Federation assistance. Meanwhile, the government makes plans to rehabilitate the planet. 

Tuvok takes inactive status in Starfleet, believing that he is not suited to the organization. 


Construction is completed on the Excelsior Class Starship Enterprise, NCC-1701 B. Captain John Harriman is assigned to command the ship. Ensign Demora Sulu graduates from Starfleet Academy, and is assigned to the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701 B.

During the initial cruise of the Enterprise 1701B, the ship is called upon to rescue Guinan and others from a ship threatened by an energy filament to later become known as the Nexus. Visiting Starfleet Captain James T. Kirk, Retired, assists in the Photon Torpedo bay, and disappears when the Nexus passes the ship, damaging the area Kirk was in. Kirk is declared dead at age 60, but in actuality he is drawn into the Nexus, where he remains alive. (Generations)

Tuvok begins the Kohlinar, studying logic and working to banish the last remnants of emotions from his personality. 


The Klingon Empire conducts business dealings with Ventax II. 


Captain Montgomery Scott retires at age 73, and boards the transport USS Jenolen, en route Norpen V. The Jenolen experiences warp drive malfunctions, and upon reentering normal space, discovers a Dyson sphere completely surrounding a star. The Jenolen experiences further damage, and crash lands. Only Scott and crewmember Matt Franklin survive. With supplies failing, Scotty rigs a system to prevent transporter pattern deterioration, and both men take refuge in the transporter buffer while the ship sends an automatic distress signal. 

Birth of Noonian Soong, on Earth. 

In the Gamma Quadrant, the Changlings find a world without a sun where they can be relatively safe from persecution. Using technology, they keep the surface of the planet warm enough for them to exist in their liquid state. The changlings believe that to fully understand another thing or being, they must take the form of that thing or being. In order to learn more about "solids" they send out 100 infants of their species, genetically programmed to return in 350 to 400 years. One, Odo, is sent to the Bajoran system. Meanwhile, the Changlings begin a campaign to secretly take political power in the Gamma Quadrant. Their goal is to protect themselves by controlling other civilizations. 


Mark Jameson enters Starfleet Academy. Leonard McCoy named Chief of Starfleet Medical at age 70 and promoted to Admiral. 


Rishan meets Kevin Uxbridge on a ship at sea on Earth, and proposes two hours later. She is travelling with her parents; he is a student. Tuvok enters Pon Far, and takes T'Pel as his wife. They eventually have four children - three boys and one girl. 


The last Constitution Class starship is removed from active duty. One is retained in the Starfleet Museum. 

On Cardassia Prime, the military launches a desperate effort to save the population from famine. In a quest for additional resources, the Cardassians begin conquering neighboring star systems. 

Romulan ships begin raiding Klingon worlds. Klingon forces mobilize to defend their borders, but many of their resources are diverted by the efforts to rehabilitate Kronos. 


Mark Jameson graduates Starfleet Academy. 


Robert (roh-BEHR) Picard is born, in the village of Labarre, France, to eventually become manger of the traditional Picard Vinyards. 


Jean-Luc Picard born to Maurice Picard and Evette Jessard Picard. 


Cardassians attack the Bajoran star system and eventually conquer it. The Bajorans, who live in a rigid "Dejahara" or cast-oriented society, abandon their hereditary occupations and become warriors to fight the Cardassians. Some Bajorans escape to establish refugee camps in other systems, and begin freedom fighting to evict the Cardassians, coordinated with rebels remaining in occupied areas. The Cardassians eventually build a space station in Bajoran orbit, named Terek Nor, used to administer the system, for ore processing and as their spaceport. 

Timid Cardassian architect T'Vor Kel goes into exile and meets the entity called Anaya, who stimulates his creativity, and eventually kills him, after his designs become famous throughout the Alpha Quadrant. 


The Klingon Empire finishes its rehabilitation of Kronos, and repopulates the planet. 


The Tohmid Incident--last direct contact between the Federation and the Romulans until 2364 (not counting the impromptu Narendra III battle in 2344.) Thousands of lives are lost. Following this incident, the Treaty of Algeron is negotiated between the Federation and the Romulans, which forbids Federation entry into the Neutral Zone, and forbids the Federation from developing a cloaking device. 

Kor commands a Klingon assault group that engages in a punitive raid on Romulus. 

Perrin is born. 


Jack Crusher is born. 

Commander Mark Jameson violates Prime Directive by giving munitions to both sides of a civil war on Mordan IV, freeing passengers and crew of a starliner, resulting in 40 years of war. 

Last known case of Transporter Psychosis, a rare condition eliminated completely by improvement in transporter backup systems. 


In the Delta Quadrant, the Praylor and Kravek species sign a peace treaty. Their robots, however, kill all of their masters, in order to prevent their deactivation. They discover, however, that they cannot build new power supplies and thus face extinction because they cannot build new robots. Because they are programmed to fight, they continue their war against each other. 


Jean-Luc Picard enters Starfleet Academy. In his first semester he wins a marathon race, passing many upper classmen. He is befriended by groundskeeper, Boothby, and spends much of his study time under an elm tree bordering the parade grounds. The writings of Judge Aaron Sattee are required reading. The Academy Superintendent is a Betazoid. His archeology professor, Dr. Galen, causes him to almost reconsider his dreams of starship command. In spite of being an excellent student, Picard is also a womanizer and brawler, leading to problems in his senior year. 

Dr. Noonain Soong leaves Earth in disgrace, emigrating to Omicron Theta. Other scientists do not accept his research which attempts to reproduce the techniques which created the androids of The Makers, Questor and/or Rayna Copic. 


Leonard McCoy retires at age 100. His long life and vitality are attributed to Fabrini lifesaving medical treatment received in 2267. 

Ensign Jean-Luc Picard graduates near the top of his class from the Starfleet Academy, but only after a scandal in which Boothby counsels Picard to tell the truth. 

Beverly Howard is born in North America and is taught about roots and herbs by her grandmother, a survivor of the Alvayta III tragedy, sparking her interest in medicine. 

Kathryn Janeway is born, the daughter of a mathematician and an astronomer. 


Julianna O'Donnell and Noonian Soong of Omicron Theta are married secretly on Nevalla IV, because her mother objects that she was too young for him. 

Kestra Troi is born to Lwaxanna and Ian Andrew Troi on Beta Z. 

Tuvok adopts the hobby of raising Vulcan Orchids. 


Lieutenant Jean-Luc Picard is involved in an altercation with three Narsicans, at Farspace Starbase Earhart's Blondell Recreation Facility and impaled by a serrated sword, requiring a parthenogenetic heart implant. The experience causes him to face up to death, face his own goals and motivations, and causes him to become much more serious and driven in his career. 

Miles O'Brien is born. 

Benjamin Sisko is born. His father, Joseph Sisko, is an expert chef who owns a restaurant in New Orleans. He eventually has a younger sister, Judith. Because Joseph is so busy with the restaurant, Curzon Dax (a regular customer at the restaurant) becomes Benjamin's surrogate father, mentor, and best friend. Although it is not commonly known in the Federation, Curzon privately confesses to Benjamin that the Trill is a "joined species." Benjamin works part time in the family restaurant and becomes a proficient chef. 

Isolinear chip computer technology replaces duotronic technology, which has been the standard for 70 years. 


Lieutenant (JG) Jean-Luc Picard returns to Starfleet Academy for Advanced Command Training, then is assigned to the USS Stargazer. 

The first Ambassador Class Starship is commissioned. The Ambassador Class fleet includes a Starship Enterprise. 

A small starship is build which will eventually become the property of the Maquis, be transported to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker, and destroyed by ramming a Kazon warship. 


William Riker is born and raised in Alaska. His mother soon dies, and he and his father remain distant. 

Dr. Noonian Soong creates his fourth android which he names Lore, but Lore's emotion programs are unstable, and the Omicron Theta colonists fear him. Soong deactivates Lore, but keeps the parts. 


Deanna Troi is born on Beta Z to Luaxanna Troi, and Ian Andrew Troi, a human father who dies later. As a little girl, she becomes fond of stories of the American "Ancient West," read to her by her father. A few months later, her sister Kestra dies of drowning, and Deanna's parents hide all traces of her from Deanna as she matures. 

Dr. Noonian Soong creates his fifth android of materials including 26.8 kilos tripolymer composite, 11.8 kilos mylithonym cobolt alloy and 1.3 kilos bioplast sheeting. The android, named Data, is physically identical to Lore, but without the emotion programs. Soong intends that Data slowly self-program to develop emotions. Noonian and Julianna guide the android through its "childhood." 

On Milika III, newly promoted full Lieutenant Jean-Luc Picard leads a daring away team mission which saves the life of Ambassador Spock. 


Sarek's wedding to his third wife, Perrin. Ambassador Spock's wedding. At Spock's request, Lt. Picard serves in the Starfleet honor guard. Picard's first meeting with Sarek. 

Natasha Yar is born on Turkaka IV in at least two timelines. 


Jack Crusher enters Starfleet Academy. 


Shelby is born. 

All colonists on Omicron Theta are killed by the Crystaline Entity. Dr. Noonian Soong, and his young wife, Julianna O'Donnell escape to Turleena III. She fears Data will turn out like Lore, and forces Soong to leave him behind, first deactivating him and wiping his memory, and programming him with the journals of the Omicron Theta colonsts.

Julianna is injured by the Crystal Entity, and eventually dies, but Soong transfers her memories and personality into an android, and then does not tell the android she is not the real Julianna. Julianna eventually leaves Soong and marries again on Atria.

The USS Tripoli, answering a distress beacon, finds Data lying on a rock slab on Omicron Theta. Data automatically activates when they arrive. The parts for Lore are undiscovered, disassembled nearby. 

Geordi LaForge is born, blind. 

The government on Turkana IV breaks down and rival gangs battle for control of the colony. 


Chakotay is born, in a group of space traveling quasi-Navaho people who are seeking a planet where they can preserve their traditions. 


Worf is born in the Klingon empire. Like all Klingon young, he grows rapidly to maturity, achieving a physical development in two years comparable to a human 6 year old. His playmate is reportedly a half-human neighbor child named Keylar. 

Maug and Kempec serve together in the Klingon military. Kempec is attracted to Maug's servant Kaylest, but she considers him too fat. 

Ro Lahren is born on 17 January in a Bajorian refuge camp. 


Jack Crusher graduates Starfleet Academy. 

Tasha Yar's parents are killed, orphaning her and her sister, Yshara, on Turkaka IV. 

The female Trill host who will eventually be known as Jadzia Dax is born. 

Data petitions to enter Starfleet Academy. The Academy concludes that he is sentient, and admits him. 


Data enters Starfleet Academy. 

Jean-Luc Picard is promoted to Lt. Commander and appointed First Officer of the USS Stargazer. During a refit of the Stargazer, Jean-Luc Picard and Jenice (Manheim) are romantically involved in Paris, but Picard leaves her behind when he leaves for his ship. 

Beverly Howard enters Starfleet Academy. 

Julian Bashir is born. 


Jack Crusher is promoted to Lieutenant and assigned to a ship with Jean-Luc Picard. Jean-Luc and Walker Keel meet on Tau Ceti III. Jean-Luc, Jack and Walker become best friends. 

Geordi LaForge is caught in a fire but rescued after a few minutes by his parents. 


Birth of Kurn, brother of Worf, son of Maug. 

Jean-Luc Picard is promoted to Commander and given a First Officer assignment on the USS Stargazer.

USS Enterprise, NCC-1701 C, and Captain Rachel Garrett respond to a distress call from Klingon outpost Narendra III, under attack by Romulans. In the battle, the E-C is temporarily thrown 23 years into an alternate timeline future, returning with Tasha Yar (2), from that timeline. The Enterprise-C is destroyed, however Federation survivors are taken to Romulus, including Tasha. The Enterprise defense of the colony encourages Klingons to agree to an alliance with the Federation in negotiations lead for the Federation by Riva (who is deaf), Sarek and Mark Jameson, and for the Klingons by Kepmec who becomes supreme commander of the Klingon empire. Subsequent to the treaty, Kor is appointed ambassador to Vulcan. 

Sonia Gomez born. 

An insect race, the Harada, destroys a Federation starship because the Captain mispronounces a diplomatic greeting. 


A daughter, Sela, is born to Tasha Yar (2) and a Romulan general. Tasha had agreed to become his consort in exchange for lifting the death sentences of Federation prisoners from NCC-1701-C. 

Maug takes his wife and son Worf to Khitomer, tracking a Romulan sympathizer. Kurn remains behind with the family of Lorg. Five year old Worf is oddly unaware of his baby brother Kurn. 

Dax, Kor, Koloth and Kang narrowly miss finding The Albino. The Albino hides in the Zakara system. 

Paul and Jenice Manheim are married. 

Robin Lefler is born. 

Tom Paris is born. His father eventually becomes a Starfleet admiral. 

Jack Crusher is transferred to Earth. 

Deanna Troi agrees, in a traditional ceremony, to marry Wyatt Miller in ten years. 

Tuvok, having raised a family, finds that his life experiences have changed his opinions about Starfleet, and asks to have his commission reactivated. Following a refresher course, he is assigned to the USS Wyoming. 


Jurad, father of Duras, gives defense access codes to Romulans, allowing attack on the Klingon colony on Khitomer, killing 4,000 residents. The USS Intrepid monitors the attack and many Federation rescue vessels respond. 6 year old Worf is left for dead under the rubble but survives, and is adopted by CPO Sergi Roshenko, a warp phase specialist on the Excelsior class USS Intrepid. He and his wife Eleana raise Worf on the farming world Gault, where they get him a pet Klingon Targh and where he has a foster brother the same age. They later move to Bobruysk, Byelorussia, Earth. Worf's nanny, Kaylest, also survives. Kurn is raised as a son of Lorg. 

After years of pleading by the Bajoran government in exile, the Federation agrees to commit starships to displace the Cardassians from space they have conquered. Vulcan ambassadors Sarek and Spock disagree publicly about Federation policy. 

When the Captain of the USS Stargazer is killed, Picard takes emergency command of the bridge. Later he is promoted to Captain and given permanent command. Guinan joins the crew at some point as a civilian, making it a point to get to know Picard. Professor Galen visits Picard to congratulate him.

During a two week shore-leave on Earth, Picard has a brief, torrid affair with Miranda Vigo, a relative of the USS Stargazer's Chief Helmsman. 

Beverly Howard graduates Starfleet Academy, and enters Starfleet Medical School. Walker Keel introduces Beverly to Jack Crusher and they soon marry. 

Ensign Data graduates Starfleet Academy, "Class of 78." 

Benjamin Sisko enters Starfleet Academy. For the first week he is so homesick that he uses the transporter to return home for supper each day. 

Geordi LaForge receives his first VISOR and begins training to interpret its signals. 

Julian Bashir is born. 

Miles O'Brien begins his career in Starfleet in order to avoid a career as a musician, as his father intends. He works with transporters and other technical specialties. 

Katherine Janeway begins high school, and avidly plays tennis on her high school teams. 


Wesley Crusher is born to Beverly, age 22, and Lieutenant Jack Crusher, age 30. 

Paul and Jenice Manheim leave Earth for Vandor, where his team conducts space/time research. 

Harry Kim is born. 


Picard, aboard the Stargazer, locates the ruins of legendary Lygillium, and the giant Zageral emerald. 

Bajoran captive Meru, mother of three year old Nerys, becomes the mistress of Gul Dukat, who commands the space station where hse family is held. She believes that by doing so she will gain better treatment for her family members. Nerys is told that her mother has died. (Wrongs Darker than Death or Night)

Kathryn Janeway enters Starfleet Academy. 

The USS Stargazer returns to Earth, where Jack Crusher is promoted to Lieutenant Commander and named First Officer, USS Stargazer. 

Beverly Crusher interns on Daylos IV. 

Tuvok is promoted to Lieutenant, a promotion delayed because his record shows his inauspicious departure from Starfleet in 2292. 

Romulan captive Tasha Yar (2), who originated in an alternate timeline, is executed on Romulas for escape. Her daughter, Sela, exposed the escape attempt and remained loyal to the Romulans. 

A group of Navaho people, including Chakotay, colonize Dorvan V, near Cardassian space. 


Amanda Taylor is born in Kansas. Her parents, members of the Q continuum are killed shortly thereafter by the continuum, because they refused to renounce their powers. 

Miranda Vigo has a son, Jason, but she never tells him who his father is. 

The Romulan science vessel Talba, operating in sector 1385 of the alpha quadrant makes contact through a microscopic wormhole with the USS Voyager, in the Delta quadrant and 20 years in the future. Captain Tele Cremor beams through the wormhole and returns with a message chip containing personal greetings from the voyager crew members. He agrees to hide the chip for 20 years, and turn it over to the Federation after the Voyager disappears. 

B'Lanna Torres is born, to a human father and Klingon mother. They move to the Federation colony on Kessak IV. B'Lanna and her mother are the only Klingons, and she soon begins trying to hide forehead. 


Tasha Yar escapes from Turkana IV, at age 16, but her younger sister, Yshara remains behind. 

Beverly Crusher receives her Doctor's Degree, and is promoted to Lieutenant. 


William Riker enters Starfleet Academy. He excels in a simulated battle against Tholians. His academy superintendent is Vulcan. He sees his father for the last time for almost 15 years. 

Starfleet conflict with the Tholians. Relationship between Kyle Riker and Kate Pulaski. 

USS Stargazer is attacked by a Cardassian warship in sector 21505 after Picard lowers shields in an attempt to open peace talks. 

Talarians raid human settlement on Galen IV. 

Ensign Benjamin Sisko graduates Starfleet Academy and shortly thereafter meets his future wife on a beach. She is a civilian scientist, working for Starfleet. 


Deanna Troi enters Starfleet Academy. She meets William Riker, but they do not date because they are not in the same year.

Benjamin and Jennifer Sisko are married. 

Ensign Kathryn Janeway graduates Starfleet Academy, and gives up tennis for 19 years. 

14 year old Worf visits Kronos in a trip arranged by his foster parents. Worf's cousins spurn him, and he runs away to hide in mountain caves. While there, he sees a vision of Kahless, who tells Worf that he will do what no other Klingon has done. 


Picard, on the USS Stargazer, visits the remote planet Chalna with its fanged, anarchistic natives. 

Shelby enters Starfleet Academy. 

USS Stargazer, NCC-2893, is heavily damaged by internal fire after an attack by an unidentified enemy ship, which was Ferengi. Picard devises the Picard Maneuver to destroy the attacker. The crew abandons the Stargazer and limps across space in shuttlecraft for weeks. Lieutenant Commander Jack Crusher dies at age 36, of a massive neck wound. 

Worf Roshenko reaches his "age of ascension," 15, when by Klingon tradition he becomes as adult. He resolves to enter Starfleet, when he is old enough. 

Jake Sisko is born. 

Chakotay concludes he is not fully committed to the spiritual teachings of his people. He is befriended by several Starfleet officers who are patrolling the borders of Cardassian space. One, Captain Sulu, is the grandchild of Hikaru Sulu. 

In the Delta quadrant, Talaxia is conquered by the Akoian race, by demonstrating the power of the Metrion Cascade on the beautiful nearby moon Rynex. 300,000 Talaxians are killed by disolving their molecular cohesion, including Neelix' family. He is on Talax, hiding from military conscription. Afterward, he joins the relief forces that return to Rynex. The inventor of the cascade effect, Jetrel, regrets the effects of his invention, and works for 15 years to reintegrate the people killed. 

Scientists Magnus and Erin Hansen head off into Beta Quadrant space in violation of Federation wishes to look for the mythical Borg. They take their young daughter Anika along. They locate a Borg ship, trail and study it successfully for some time, but eventually are noticed by the Borg and assimilated.(Dark Frontier)


Jean-Luc Picard faces court martial proceedings resulting from the loss of USS Stargazer, prosecuted aggressively by Phillipa Luvoir, but is cleared of blame. 

Geordi LaForge enters Starfleet Academy. 

Ben Sisko is promoted to Lieutenant. 

Kathryn Janeway is promoted to Lieutenant, and assigned as Science Officer on the USS Albatoni, under the command of Captain (later Admiral) Paris. 

The last Mark Five transporter system is manufactured, in favor of the new Mark Six systems.

B'Elanna Torres' father leaves her mother without warning, unwilling to continue living with the volatile Klingon woman.  Young B'Elanna feels guilt because in a fit of anger she had told her father that if he didn't like her temper he should leave.


Four survivors of the damaged freighter Odin reach Angel I in escape pods and ferment rebellion against the matriarchal society. 

18 year old Chakotay, his father, Kolopak, and several other youth, return to Earth to research the origins of their tribe. In a South American rain forest, they find a rarely seen primitive tribe known as the Rubber Tree People. These people display remnants of the forehead bone structure of their "Sky spirits," and are the cousins of Chakotay's tribe, speaking a common language. In honor of his father, Chakotay has his forehead tatooed with a representation of the Sky spirits bone structure. 

Chakotay is sponsored for attendance at Starfleet Academy by Captain Sulu. He is accepted, and begins his Starfleet training. 

Ensign William T. Riker graduates from Starfleet Academy, 8th in his class, and is assigned to the Helm staff of the USS Pegasus, NCC- 53847, a Grissom Class research vessel. 

In the Gamma Quadrant, the Founders of the Dominion initiate a move into new areas of space, in order to expand their sphere of protection, using their client species, the Jem'Haddar, who are powerful warriers and who serve as the publicly seen army of the Dominion, and who are controlled by a powerfully addictive drug, called "Ketrecel White." 


Worf Roshenko and his foster brother enter Starfleet Academy. His brother drops out and returns home. During his academy years, Worf is reunited with his childhood friend, Keylar, and finds himself attracted to her, although they continue friendly bickering, as playmates often do. 

Ro Lahren enters Starfleet Academy. 

Ensign William T. Riker, seven months out of the Academy, defends Captain Eric Pressman when the First Officer, Chief Engineer, and most of the crew of the USS Pegasus rebel against Pressman's experimentation, in violation of the Treaty of Algeron, on a cloaking device. Riker, Pressman and seven others escape the ship via escape pod, after a running battle in the corridors. The Pegasus is heavily damaged, and thought destroyed minutes later by the crew's efforts to deactivate the device. Riker later berates himself over his support of the treaty violation and subsequently examines orders much more critically. Details of the incident are classified. 

Deanna Troi graduates Starfleet Academy and is assigned to a Beta Z research facility. 

Miles O'Brien is transferred to the USS Rutledge, fighting in the Cardassian War, under Captain Benjamin Maxwell, to serve as Tactical Officer. Over time he become disgusted with the way his personality embraces the war. 

Admiral Mark Jameson diagnosed with Iverson's Disease, a degenerative condition. 

Civil war on Mordan IV ends. 


Jadzia enters Starfleet Academy. 

William Riker is promoted to Lieutenant and assigned duties on planet Beta Z, where he and Deanna Troi have a relationship. 

Ensign Shelby graduates Starfleet Academy. 

Professor Galen discovers micro-palentological evidence so important he withdraws from scientific circles. 


A peace treaty is signed between the Federation and the Cardassians, ending 14 years of intermittent war. The Cardassians retain control of the Bajoran star system. Gul Dukat becomes commander of the Cardassian space station Terrok Nor, in Bajoran orbit. Outwardly an iron-fisted dictator, he takes a Bajoran mistress and takes certain secret actions to relieve Bajoran suffering. 

The Dowd, as botanist Kevin Uxbridge, and his wife Rishan, move to Delta Ranna IV. 

Ensign Geordi LaForge graduates Starfleet Academy. 

Julian Bashir enters Starfleet Academy. 

Deanna Troi is promoted to Lieutenant. 

Worf Roshenko's relationship with Keylar. 

In the Gamma Quadrant, the Dominion conquers a large volume of space, including that formerly held by the T'Rogorands. The Skrian people escape and begin a search for the Eye of the Universe. 


Ensign Worf Roshenko graduates Starfleet Academy. 

Keylar graduates Starfleet Academy, but transfers to the diplomatic corp. 

Ensign Chakotay graduates Starfleet Academy. 

Shelby is promoted to Lieutenant. 

Lt. Wil Riker is transferred to the USS Potemkin. His career takes priority and his relationship with Troi cools, by his choice. 

The USS Potemkin visits Turkana IV, but is warned that anyone beaming down would be killed. 

Miranda and Jason Vigo move to Caymore IV where she establishes a school for orphans from the Cardassian War. 


Ensign Georgi LaForge serves on USS Victory. 

Sonia Gomez enters Starfleet Academy. 

Ensign Ro graduates Starfleet Academy. 

Lt. William Riker leads an away mission to evacuate a science station on Nervalla IV. While transporting up, a fluke of atmospheric distortion leaves an identical Riker double on Nervalla, unknown to the Potemkin. The Riker who returns to the Potemkin is commended for valour on Nervalla, promoted to Lieutenant Commander and made First Officer of USS Hood. 

At Altair III, Riker disobeys orders and risks court martial by preventing Captain DeSoto from beaming down into danger. They remain on good terms afterward. (Note that "Altair III" was the planet in the famous 1950s Science Fiction film Forbidden Planet.")


The Galaxy Class Starship USS Enterprise, NCC- 1701D, is commissioned in Mars orbit. Commander Kintaros oversees construction. Dr. Leah Brahms oversees engine design. Jean-Luc Picard is named Captain. William Riker is promoted to Commander and named First Officer, after declining command of the USS Drake. Deanna Troi is promoted to Lieutenant Commander and assigned to the nominally civilian Counselor's job, however she declines to resume her relationship with Riker. Admiral Leonard McCoy, Starfleet Retired, 137 yoa, tours the ship. Lt. Tasha Yar leads her team through a mine field to rescue a group of colonists. She is appointed Chief of Security on the NCC-1701D, and actually pilots shuttlecraft Galileo, that delivers Picard to the Enterprise, in spacedock. Miles O'Brien, tactical officer under Captain Benjamin Maxwell on the USS Rutledge in the Cardassian war, is transferred to NCC-1701D. Data serves on USS Trieste, is promoted to Lieutenant Commander and transferred to NCC-1701D. Lieutenant Geordi LaForge is assigned to the Enterprise after he impresses Jean-Luc Picard while piloting a shuttle on an inspection flight. Worf Roshenko is promoted to Lieutenant (JG) and assigned to the Enterprise. 

First meeting of the Federation and the Q Continuum. An individual from the Continuum, identified as "Q" places Picard and his crew on trial "for the crimes of humanity." 

Ben and Jennifer Sisko are stationed at the New Berlin colony, a place which is true to its namesake, complete with beer gardens and traditional German clothing. 

Robin Lefler enters Starfleet Academy. 

Tom Paris enters Starfleet Academy. 

Harry Kim attends the Juliard School of Music youth academy, and plays clarinet in the youth symphony. 

Chakotay is promoted to Lieutenant. 


USS Enterprise visits galaxy M33, 2,700,000 light years away and dispatches a subspace signal home. 

First meeting of the Federation and Ferengi. 

A wedding is planned for Deanna Troi and Wyatt Miller, but he backs out in order to work to cure a Tarelian plague. 

The Federation makes contact with an automatically operating outpost of the Tkon Empire. 

The USS Enterprise encounters a God-like Alien species protecting an area around the Rubicon system, and removes a fledgling Federation colony in a nearby star system. 

Nick Lucarno enters Starfleet Academy, and discovers that he looks almost exactly like second year cadet Tom Paris. 

The Ferengi Alliance returns the derelict USS Stargazer to Starfleet, confessing that the ship was destroyed in an attack by a renegade Ferengo DaiMon. 

On Bajor, Veddek Wynn is arrested by the Cardassians for teaching Bajoran spiritualism, and imprisoned. She is beaten repeatedly. 

Data discovers an unassembled android on Omicron Theta, identical in appearance to Data. When activated, it announced its name is Lore. After threatening the USS Enterprise, Lore is beamed into space, there to drift for several months. Note: Wesley Crusher stated that he beamed Lore into space with a "wide dispersal" beam. Apparently no one checked his statement, and Lore rematerialized intact. 

Jadzia graduates Starfleet Academy as an ensign, specializing in science, and becomes an initiate in training to become a Trill host. In this highly competative selection process, only one in ten are successful. Curzon Dax, assigned to train her, washes her out of the program, but develops a crush on her and does not object when she becomes the first initiate to reapply and be accepted a second time. 

Ro Lahren promoted to Lieutenant. 

The USS Drake is destroyed at the planet Minos, in the Lorenze Cluster. 

Romulan ships are detected in the Neutral Zone, however no direct contact is made with Starfleet ships. 

The mythical planet Aldea is located in the Epsilon Myno system, having been cloaked for 100 centuries. 

Admiral Gregory Quinn becomes concerned about the loyalty of several Starfleet Officers. After an extensive investigation on the USS Enterprise, he offers Jean-Luc Picard the position of Commandant of Starfleet Academy. Picard declines. 

Tasha Yar is killed at age 28 on Veygra II in the Zed Lapis sector, by Armis. Worf becomes Enterprise Chief of Security. 

Massive temporal distortion occurs as the result of experimentation of Dr. Paul Manheim. Jean-Luc Picard is reunited with Jenice, now the wife of Manheim. 

Starfleet Command is almost taken over by a parasitical life form, but for the efforts of the USS Enterprise. Afterwards, the situation is sorted out by Admiral Nora Satie. 

Several Federation and Romulan outposts at the neutral zone are assimilated by the Borg; Romulan ships return to the area in force. 

The cyrogenicly frozen bodies of Ralph Ophenhouse, Claire Raymond and L.Q. "Sonny" Clemens, are recovered in deep space. 

Ben Sisko is promoted to Lieutenant Commander, and named First Officer of the USS Okinawa, under Captain Leighton. 

Julien Bashir enters Starfleet Academy. 

Admiral Mark Jameson dies of a Seribus II drug, taken in an attempt to restore youth. 


Kathryn Janeway is promoted to Lieutenant Commander. 

Geordi LaForge is promoted to Lieutenant Commander. 

Beverly Crusher serves one year as Acting Head of Starfleet Medical. 

Deanna has a child, Ian Andrew, resulting from rapid growth of an alien entity within her. The entity is born as a human, lives and dies within a few days, to experience humanity. 

The Enterprise creates a self-aware holodeck program, in the form of Sherlock Holmes nemesis Moriarty. The program is eventually deactivated but "saved." 

The sum of knowledge of Ira Graves is saved into the USS Enterprise master computer before his death. 

The USS Lantree is destroyed, because it carries a plague. 

William Riker is assigned to temporary exchange duty on the Klingon Bird of Prey Pagh. 

Captain Phillipa Luvoir, Sector 23 Judge Advocate General, rules that Data is a sentient being, with all associated rights. 

The USS Yamato is destroyed by an Iconian computer virus. The USS Enterprise locates the Iconian home world, but destroys the last "gateway" that had been used by the Iconians as a sort of super-transporter. 

Wreckage of the Carybdis is found in orbit around Theta VIII in the Theta 116 system. 

First recorded Borg/Federation meeting at system J-25, 7,000 light years from Federation space. Starfleet mobilizes to try to prepare for the eventual Borg threat, however bureaucracy prevents rapid progress. 

Picard's second heart implant, at Starbase 515, performed by Kate Pulaski. 

Worf Roshenko commemorates the tenth anniversary of his coming of age. 

When male Ambassador Odan becomes terminally ill, it becomes common knowledge in the Federation that the Trill is a joined species. Odan transfers to a female host. 

Imperial Klingon Cruiser Tong returns from its 75 year old secret mission for the Klingon Empire and reluctantly accepts peace with the Federation. Worf and Keylar conceive a son, Alexander, on the holodeck, but Keylar does not tell Worf she has borne a child. Alexander, like all Klingon young, grows rapidly to maturity, achieving a physical development in three years comparable to a human 6 year old. 

When her Borg scout ship crash lands on an uninhabited planet, Seven of Nine's fellow drones becin to waiver from the Collective. Seven forces them back into the Collective before the Borg recover them.

Odo, an alien with shape-changing powers, is discovered in the Denorius energy belt in the Bajoran star system. He has no recollection of his past, and eventually becomes security officer of Terrok Nor, the Cardassian space station administering the occupation of the system. 

Ensign Julian Bashir graduates Starfleet Academy, and enters Medical School. 

At Garushta, 47 people are killed, including Captain Darson, of the USS Adelphi, when Betazoid advisor Tam Elbron gives insufficient advice to Darson about a first contact situation. 

The USS Enterprise conducts war games with a skeleton crew on board the USS Hathaway. 


Ben and Jennifer Sisko are transferred to the USS Saratoga. Ben is assigned as First Officer, under a Vulcan Captain. They take Jake with them. 

Worf Roshenko is promoted to full Lieutenant. 

Romulans begin covert preparation for an invasion of Vulcan, based on Galorndon Core within the neutral zone. 

Wesley Crusher inadvertantly creates sentient nanite robots, who briefly infest the USS Enterprise until granted permission to colonize Kavis Alpha IV. 

Tau Cygna V is evacuated of human settlers under the terms of the Federation treaty with the Sheliak. 

From Delta Ranna IV, the immortal being The Dowd aka Kevin Uxbridge, exterminates the entire Husnok species after one of its warships kills 11,000 people, including Rishan, on Ranna IV. 

Ensign Sonia Gomez graduates Starfleet Academy. 

Romulan Admiral Jerak defects, then commits suicide, leaving a message with Picard to be delivered to Jerak's wife and daughter. He was aware of the buildup in the Neutral Zone and advocated peace, but was allowed to escape with red herring information in an effort to capture the Enterprise within the Neutral Zone. 

Miranda Vigo is killed by muggers who steal the groceries she is carrying home to her orphanage. 

Geordi Laforge and a Romulan Centurian work together to survide on a Galorndon Core, as the Enterprise looks for evidence that the Romulans are "up to something." 

A low-orbit moon threatens Bre'el IV, until the moon's orbit is corrected by Q. 

Shelby is promoted to Lieutenant Commander and assigned to Borg tactical analysis under Admiral Hansen. Her team begins designing an experimental ship to battle the Borg, the USS Defiant. The ship is small and highly maneuverable, but very high powered, with innovative new weapons systems. 

Picard mediates a trade dispute on Jameris V between the Jamerians and their neighbors the Docklets. 

Worf Roshenko accepts discommodation from the Klingon empire rather than allow the High Council to crumble as a result of revelations of a Romulan sympathiser's responsibility for the Khitomer massacre 20 years earlier. 

Sarek retires from diplomatic corp, age 202. 

Riker introduces Picard to Rhysa near Starbase 12, as a sybaritic shore leave spot, where Picard locates the Taax Utat, based on research notes of the late Professor Samuel Estrigon, and with help from Estrigon's assistant Vash. 

The living starship Gomtu, named "Tinman" by Starfleet is discovered at Beta Stromgren, and joins with Betazoid Tam Elbron in a symbiotic relationship, departing conventional space. 

Efforts begin on Earth to create a new subcontinent in the Atlantic ocean. 

In an alternate timeline, Tasha Yar returns to the year 2344 to assist the NCC 1701-C in a battle against Romulan Warbirds attacking the Klingon colony Narendra III. 

A collection of priceless stolen artifacts is recovered from Kivas Fazhoe, including the Mona Lisa, a Roger Marris baseball card, and the android Data. 

Starfleet command offers Wil Riker command of the USS Melbourne. He delays a decision. 


A Borg ship is destroyed in Earth orbit by USS Enterprise, commanded by Brevet Captain William T. Riker, after the Borg devastate a 40 ship defensive fleet at Wolf 359, killing almost 11,000 people. Picard survives temporary the integration with the Borg mind, but is emotionally scarred because of his inability to keep the Borg from using his knowledge to kill. Subsequently, he reaches accomodation with his brother, Robert. The USS Saratoga, NCC 13911, is among the ships destroyed by the Borg. Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Sisko and his son Jake escape in a shuttle seconds before the Saratoga explodes. Sisko's wife, Jennifer, is killed in the Borg attack. After recovering from his wounds, Sisko is promoted to Commander and assigned to command the Utopia Planetia starship construction yards, including facilities on Mars and in orbit 16,625 Kilometers above the surface. Also destroyed in the battle is the USS Melbourne, ending Riker's chances of commanding it. Shelby is promoted to Commander at age 31, and assigned administrative duties relating to rebuilding the fleet. Shelby and Sisko work together on rebuilding the fleet, and building the Defiant to battle future Borg threats. 

The humaniod host of the joined entity Curzon Dax dies and the symbiont Dax joins with a new female host to become Jadzia Dax. The new joined entity elects to remain in Starfleet, even though the symbiont is 3 centuries old. Jadzia is promoted to Lieutenant, having added several science degrees to her record. 

Kathryn Janeway is promoted to full Commander. 

Harry Kim enters Starfleet Academy. 

Ensign Robin Lefler graduates Starfleet Academy. 

Ensign Tom Paris graduates Starfleet Academy. 

Wesley Crusher enters Starfleet Academy, and is befriended by elderly groundskeeper, Boothby. He is recruited to Nova Squadron, which soon becomes a prestigious team. 

Miles O'Brien and Kieko marry. 

Dr. Julian Bashir completes medical school, number two in his class, and is promoted to Lieutenant. 

Lieutenant Ro Lahren is court martialed in the deaths of members of her USS Wellington away team. She is demoted to Ensign and imprisoned. Later she is assigned to the USS Enterprise during a mission sensitive to her Bojorian people. 

Vulcan ambassador T'Pel reveals she is a Romulan, and escapes with invasion intelligence. 

First formal contact between the Federation and the Cytherians, a non-corporial race which lives near the center of the galaxy. 

Captain Ben Maxwell of the USS Phoenix, is arrested for taking unauthorized hostile acts against the Cardassians, in the process revealing they are rearming. 

Boleas IX maintains an uneasy peace with the Maropa. Captain Rix of the USS Tom Paine is a native of Boleas IX. 

The longest ruler of the Klingon Empire, Kempec, dies of Ridian 6 poisoning. Gowron and Duras vie to succeed him. Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire, Keylar, Worf Roshenko's mate, is murdered by Duros. Worf kills Duras in revenge with his traditional Batleth weap on. Worf acknowledges his 3 year old son, Alexander, who then resides with Worf's human parents on Earth. Gowron becomes ruler of the Klingon Empire, and appoints Kor as ambassador to Vulcan. Kor has little regard for Gowron, but accepts the appointment. 

The alliance of Romulans and disaffected elements of the Klingon empire unsuccessfully attempts to dissolve the Klingon/Federation alliance by brainwashing Lt Commander Geordi LaForge and programming him to kill a Klingon official. Ultimately, at the end of the year, civil war breaks out in the Klingon empire and Worf Roshenko resigns his commission to fight in support of Gowron and in opposition of Duras' family, serving on the IKV Batras, commanded by Worf's Klingon brother Kurn. 

Romulan scientist Dr. Tele Cremor dies. Among his effects is a message chip containing presonal messages from the crew members of the USS -Voyager, recorded in the year 2371. 

Cardassian exobiologist Dr. Crell Moset engages in unethical wartime medical practices on Bajoran prisoners.


A 23 ship Federation task force, commanded by Picard reveals that Romulan supplies are being shipped to Duras forces in the Klingon civil war and blockades the supplies. Without this help, and with the Romulan support made public, Duras forces crumble and Gowron consolidates his power. Duras' sisters go underground, and continue plotting revolusion. Worf Roshenko's Starfleet commission is reactivated. The Romulan Commander Sela reveals her half human heritage to Picard. 

Sonia Gomez is promoted to Lieutenant. 

Communication is established between the Federation and the Tamarians after seven chance meetings over 100 years. 

Cardassians unsuccessfully attempt to force Federation attacks on Bajorian refuge camps. 

The USS Defiant, built at the Utopia Planetia ship yards, is tested. The tests are considered to be unsuccessful. The ship is so over powered that it almost tears itself apart in combat tests. The ship is mothballed. 

The Crystaline Entity is destroyed by Dr. Kyla Marr after it absorbs all life on at least 11 worlds and various spacecraft. 

Vulcan Ambassador Spock, age 140, travels to Romulus to investigate an underground organization favoring unification with Vulcan, followed by Picard and Data. The three discover the Romulan plot to invade Vulcan, and warn the Federation. Spock remains on Romulus to lead the underground. Sarek dies, of Bendii's Syndrome, at age 204. 

Picard arranges for delivery of the final message of Romulan Admiral Jerak to Jerak's wife and daughter. 

Molly Miyaki Worf O'Brien is born. 

Burlinghoff Rasmussen is arrested for theft on the USS Enterprise during a visit in a stolen time pod from 2140 New Jersey. He is taken to Earth for questioning by historians. The time pod disappears. 

Alexander Roshenko takes up residence on the Enterprise, living with his father, Worf Roshenko. 

Two dozen colonists leave the genetically engineered society on Moab IV, after an encounter with Starfleet personnel, threatening the colony's future. 

202 year old remains of the USS Essex are found on an M-Class moon of Mabu VI. 

The Federation research vessel USS Viko is damaged, and all but one of her crew killed, by high energy plasma in the Black Cluster. The ship is salvaged and converted into a Starfleet supply ship. 

Worf Roshenko is paralyzed in an accident and contemplates suicide, but receives an experimental spine replacement instead and recovers fully. 

The USS Bozeman, NCC-1941, appears from the year 2278 in a temporal distortion field. Its crew members accept new assignments from Starfleet, and continue their careers. 

At Starfleet Academy, Nova Squadron Commander Nick Lacarno is expelled, and remaining team members graduations delayed one year as punishment for attempting a banned maneuver, and covering up the death of one team member, Joshua Albert. Wesley Crusher becomes more and more disallusioned by Starfleet life, but cannot bring himself to leave the Academy. 

Amanda Taylor begins experiencing Q powers. 

Data's head is found in a cavern under San Francisco, having been there since 1893. Data is accidentally thrown back in time to August 13, 1893, where he meets Guinan and Mark Twain. Picard, Riker, Crusher and LaForge follow. 


A team from the Enterprise chases two aliens of an unidentified species from 1893 back to 2369, and destroys the cavern on Davidia II used to travel in time. During the transition from 1893 to 2369, Data's head is detached. In 2369, the 500 year head is reattached, and brought up to normal functioning with no apparent harmful effects from the 500 years it lay in the cavern. 

Kathryn Janeway is promoted to Captain. 

Tuvok is assigned to a ship commanded by Kathryn Janeway. 

The Federation science vessel USS Yosemite investigates a plasma stream between two stars. Bioenergy from the plasma infects the crew, killing them, with only four survivors. 

The USS Jenolen is discovered on the surface of a Dyson sphere by the USS Enterprise-D. Starfleet Captain Montgomery Scott is recovered from the transporter buffer, but crewmember Matt Franklin's pattern is too far deteriorated. The Enterprise is captured by automatically operating equipment on the sphere, and Scott reactivates the Jenolen to help the Enterprise escape. Scott decides he's not ready to retire, and is given a long term loan of an Enterprise warp shuttle. 

Amanda Taylor enters the Q continuum. 

The USS Enterprise is hijacked by Ferengi renegades at Lygo VII, using two surplus B'Rel class Klingon birds of prey. 

A Cardassian attack on Minos Corva, in Federation space, is thwarted by Captain Edward Jellico, commanding the USS Enterprise. In preparation for the attack, the Cardassians lure and capture Jean-Luc Picard, torturing him for defense information. Concurrent with the retreat from Minos Corva, the Cardassians, commanded by Gul Dukat, end their occupation of Bajor, having stripped it of most usable resources and because of continual harassment by Bajoran freedom fighters. Exiled Bajorans return and the newly formed provisional government requests the Federation provide relief and defense to the Bajorans remaining on the the planet. The initial response is coordinated by the USS Enterprise. 

The Federation establishes its base of operations on the abandoned Terrok Nor Cardassian space station, which is renamed Deep Space 9. Commander Benjamin Sisko is placed in command, at age 39, recommended by his former Captain, ____ Leighton. Sisko travels from Earth with his son Jake. They stop at terraformed world Blue Horizon en route. Sisko requests a Bajoran national as his first officer. Former freedom fighter Major Kira Nerys is named to the post by the Bajoran government. Trill Starfleet Lieutenant Jadzia Dax is named Science Officer. Dr. Julian Bashir requests appointment as Deep Space 9 Medical Officer. Odo remains as Chief of Security. Quark remains as defacto leader of the private establishments on the station Promenade. A stable wormhole, created by an alien race which does not experience the flow of time, is discovered in the Bajoran star system, providing a direct corridor between the Alpha Quadrant and the Gamma Quadrant, 70,000 light years apart. Although generally uncommunicative, the aliens grant permission for use of the wormhole as a transportation avenue, making Bajor and the nearby Deep Space 9 space station the focus of a newly developing center of commerce. 

Serious exploration and trade with the Gamma Quadrant begins. Vulcans play a major role in this work. 

Veddek Wynn is released from the Cardassian prison. 

Robin Lefler is promoted to Lieutenant. 

Tom Paris is promoted to Lieutenant. 

Ambassador Spock's forces establish an underground railroad allowing dissident Romulans to escape to Federation space, where they begin seeking assylum. 

The spiritual leader of the Bajoran people, Kai Opaka, takes up residence on a prison planet in the Gamma Quadrant, in an effort to end centuries of war there. 

In one of the most profound archeological discoveries ever made, triggered by research of Professor Galen, a message is discovered, encoded into the DNA of life on several worlds, telling the story of how "The Progenitors" seeded life on many worlds with their custom-written DNA. This civilization replaces Tagis III as the oldest known sentient life in the galaxy. 

Klingon spiritualists produce a clone of Kahless from a remnant of his blood and program the clone to believe he is the real Kahless. Gowron grudgingly accepts the new Kahless as a figurehead leader of Klingon Empire. 

The Enterprise discovers the identical double of William Riker on Nervalla IV. Troi declines to resume her relationship with him, at this time. He takes the name Thomas Riker, and resumes his career on the USS Ghandi. 

At Deep Space 9, rival factions of Bajoran spriritual leaders vie for control of the Bajoran faith preliminary to selection of a new Kai. 

Pilot error on the part of Lt. Tom Paris leads to the deaths of three officers near Colleb Prime. At first, Paris covers up the error, but his conscious plagues him, and he confesses. He is discharged from Starfleet. 

Lore gains control of a group of Borg, instilling them with individuality. They capture Data, deactivating his ethics program, and lure Picard, LaForge, and Troi into an ambush. 


Picard manages to reactivate Data's ethics program and he, LaForge and Troi are freed by Data. Lore is deactivated by Data, and a group of Borg who are disconnected from the "collective" establish a colony, with support from the Federation. 

A political organization on Bajor calling itself "The Circle" attempts a military coup. Federation officers on Deep Space 9 discover that the Cardassian military is secretly supplying weapons to the rebels, in the hopes that they will succeed, and evict the Federation. The revolt collapses when the involvement of the Cardassians is revealed, leaving some of its leaders still in power in the Bajoran provisional government. 

A movement is discovered on Vulcan which advocates complete isolation from other species, and which has stolen the parts required to reassemble the Stone of Gol. But they misunderstand the capabilities of this psionic weapon, which does not harm people not filled with violent emotions. 

The Starfleet detachment on Deep Space 9 learns that the empire called the Dominion controls much space in the Gamma Quadrant. 

The Federation learns that warp drive has the potential to damage the fabric of space, and orders a limit of Warp 5 in areas of known susceptibility, except during emergencies. However scientific research into warp propulsion interrelays by Dr. Vassbinder and others places the Federation of the verge of major new faster than light technologies. 

Beverly Crusher declines to become intimate with Jean-Luc Picard, in spite of strong feelings for him. 

The Skrian people discovers the wormhole from the Gamma to the Alpha Quadrants, and emigrates. After a request to settle on Bajor, which is declined, they settle on Draylon II, near Safalla Prime. 

The former Captain of the USS Pegasus Admiral Eric Pressman, Starfleet Chief of Security Rayner and several ranking officers are arrested and charged with violations of the Treaty of Algeron, for working to develop a cloaking device. The experimental device is salvaged from the derelict USS Pegasus. Wil Riker disobeys Pressman's orders and divulges the violation to Federation authorities. His role in the original loss of the Pegasus is closely investigated, and he is cleared of wrong doing. 

Federation terraforming researchers, lead by Professor Gidion Seyatek, develop a technique for reigniting dead stars, and test it on Epsilon 119. The technique injects protomatter into the star, causing a cascade effect which converts matter back to basic hydrogen. The technique is based on the Genesis Project research of a century earlier. Seyatek dies in the process of igniting the star. 

Bajorans establish a colony in the Gamma Quadrant on an apparently unclaimed planet, and name it New Bajor. 

Dax, Kor, Koloth and Kang locate The Albino in the Zakara system and assault his stronghold. Kang kills the Albino, however Kang and Koloth are mortally wounded. Kor sings their death chant, and together Kor and Dax perform the ceremony which warns the afterlife that Klingon warriers come to join them. 

The Federation and the Cardassian Empire agree to a treaty establishing secure borders between the two governments, and ban warships from the area. Several planets are exchanged between the two jurisdictions, including Dorvan V, settled by Amerindians, who agree to surrender their claim to protection by the Federation in order to remain on their world. Warships are banned from the area. A group of vigilantes from the colonies formerly protected by the Federation organizes to oppose the Cardassian military in the border area, calling itself Maquis after the French guerrilla fighters of World War II. Starfleet Commander Calvin Hudson, assigned as a "liaison" between Starfleet and the former colonies, becomes a leader of the Maquis. Subsequently, the Maquis becomes a cause for a wide range of people, including many ex-Starfleet officers, who feel the Federation- Cardassian treaty is an injustice, and also for mercenaries. 

The Maquis modifies a series of old support courier ships, installing high power phasors, and begins patrolling the demilitarized zone for Cardassian ships, which themselves are harassing non-Cardassian transport ships. The Maquis uses planets near The Badlands as bases--an area of high plasma discharge and spacial distortion. Several ships have disappeared in the area over a period of months, making it little-travelled. 

Bajoran Vedick Bariel begins contacts with Cardassian officials, including Legate Torral, concerning an eventual treaty between the two governments. 

Wesley Crusher resigns from Starfleet Academy at the beginning of his fourth year and begins studying the unity of thought and energy, and his powers to affect them, under the guidance of The Traveler, initially on Dorvan V. 

Chakotay, who is a citizen of Dorvan V, resigns from Starfleet in order to assist the Maquis resistance, and protect his homeland against the Cardassians. Tom Paris joins the Maquis and works with Chakotay but is captured Starfleet on his first mission. He is sentenced to a rehabilitation compound in New Zealand. 

B'Elanna Torres modifies a Cardassian "dreadnaught," sending it to attack a Cardassian fuel depot. However, it disappears in the Badlands, as the result of a coherant tetrion beam sent by the Caretaker. 

Alexander Roshenko travels back in time from the year 2410 to encourage his younger self to "become a warrior." The older Roshenko tells Worf that he had made the choice as a youth to be a diplomat rather than a warrior, and that because of his inability to help, Worf was killed in the Klingon Council chambers some years later. 

Put in the position of opposing the Maquis in order to comply with the Cardassian treaty, Starfleet sends agents to infiltrate the Maquis. Lieutenant Ro Lahren returns to the Enterprise from Advanced Tactical Training, and accepts an undercover assignment spying on the Maquis. However she becomes sympathetic and deserts Starfleet to join the Maquis. 

Q causes Jean-Luc Picard to visit alternate timeline versions of 2364 and 2396 where Picard struggles to dissipate a space/time anamoly which threatens to prevent the original formation of life on earth. He succeeds, and advises his friends on the Enterprise of the futures he saw for them, thus allowing them to attempt to alter the undesirable elements of it. [The events Picard remembered between 2370 and 2396 are called the AGT Timeline, for "All Good Things..."] Picard is found to have a minor neural disorder which has the capability of eventually resulting in Earomotic Syndrome. The discovery causes Beverly Crusher to reevaluate her feelings for Picard. 

The USS Voyager, NCC-74656, is commissioned. New technology on board includes warp engines which can cruise at 9.975 without damaging the fabric of space, bio-neural conduits to improve processing speed, and warp nacelles which are positioned "out" for impulse flight and "up" for warp speed. It has a standard crew compliment of 141. Captain Kathryn Janeway is placed in command. 

The elite warrior forces of The Dominion, the Jem'Hadar, take Commander Ben Sisko and associates captive in the Gamma Quadrant. A task force including two runabouts from Deep Space Nine, and the Galaxy Class USS Odyssey enter the Gamma Quadrant on a rescue mission. Sisko is allowed to escape, but the Odyssey is destroyed while retreating by a Jem'Hadar ship on a suicide run. A Jem'Hadar ship enters the Alpha Quadrant through the wormhole briefly enough to issue the warning to stay out of the Gamma Quadrant. They announce that they have destroyed several Alpha Quadrant ships, and the New Bajor colony, in the Gamma Quadrant, because of their incursions into Dominion space. 


Chakotay's father, Kolopak, dies. 

Ben Sisko returns to Earth to report in detail on his contact with the Jem'Hadar, and the destruction of the Odyssey. In the process, he realizes that he has come to think of Deep Space Nine as home. He returns to the station with the USS Defiant, which he helped design, but which experienced unsuccessful flight tests. The ship is dangerously overpowered, but Sisko concludes that the show of force will be valuable in countering the Dominion threat. He consults with chief O'Brien on ways to regulate the Defiant's power curves. 

The senior staff of Deep Space Nine, aboard the USS Defiant, enters the Gamma Quadrant to seek the Founders of the Dominion. The Dominion captures the senior staff and submits them to unconscious testing to learn about their determination. Jem'Haddar forces study the captured Defiant. After their release, Sisko and his staff receive permission to keep the Defiant at Deep Space Nine, since it has better performance characteristics than the three runabouts based at the station. Operations chief Miles O'Brien installs safeguards to keep the Defiant from damaging itself. 

Odo discovers that his species, the Changlings, are the Founders of the Dominion. 

The memory blockers which prevent Dax from remembering its host Jurian Balar break down, threatening Jadzia's life. On Trill for treatment, Sisko and Bashir learn of the secret of the Trill Symbiosis Commission, and blackmail the Commission into allowing Jadzia to remember. 

On Cestus III, a colony once attacked by the Gorn, the archaic sport of Baseball becomes popular. 

While in the Gamma Quadrant, a Vulcan geological survey team unearths the apparently abandoned home word of the Hurk, who had invaded the Kronos over a thousand years earlier. One artifact brought back is a cloth, recognized by Ambassador Kor as the legendary Shroud of Kahless' Sword, bearing an imprint of the batleth. 

The Nova Class US Equinox is pulled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. The ship escapes and begins the long voyage home. Not designed for extended service, the ship has to fight its way across the light years. Eventually, Captain Ransom learns to achieve high speed by drawing power from the bodies of aliens from another dimension. He proceeds to move his ship closer to home, although replicators and many other systems on the ship fail. (Equinox)

Lt. Thomas Riker defects to the Maquis, and leads a team which steals the Defiant from its berth at Deep Space Nine. Riker reveals that the Cardassian Obsidian Order is secretly building a war fleet in the Urias system. Riker surrenders in order to save the lives of his crew. In an agreement between Ben Sisko and Gul Dukat, Riker is sentenced to life imprisonment in a Cardassian labor camp on Lazon II. His crew and the Defiant are handed over to Starfleet. 

Harry Kim graduates Starfleet Academy, and is assigned to the USS Voyager, meeting the ship at Deep Space Nine. (The Caretaker)

A Maquis ship commanded by ex-Starfleet officer Chakotay, disappears in the Badlands region, following a fire fight with a disabled Cardassian warship. The USS Voyager, commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway, is assigned to search for the Maquis ship, which carries her Security Officer, Tuvok, as an undercover agent. Also on board the Maquis ship is Seska, a Cardassian, surgically altered to appear to be Bajoran, also operating as a spy. Janeway recruits Tom Paris (Jr.) to help search the Badlands. (The Caretaker)

In the Badlands, the Voyager is scanned by a coherent tetrion beam, and trapped by a displacement wave on Stardate 48315. The Voyager reappears tens of thousands of light years away, in the Delta Quadrant, out of touch with the Federation. They are in a region of space controlled by the Kazons, a powerful alien race with many creches and sects, such as the Olga and the Nistrim. The crews discover they have been kidnapped by a member of the Naceen species from another galaxy, who has been protecting the Ocampa species for 1,000 years. He has captured many ships, looking for a compatible bio-molecular pattern, so he can procreate. The effort fails, the Caretakes dies, and his space station "the Array" is destroyed, to prevent the Kazon from taking possession of it. This has the effect of protecting the Ocampa from the Kazon, for at least five years, until the power provided by the Caretaker is exhausted. Chakotay rams his ship into a Kazon warship after evacuating his crew. The combined crews begin the long journey home in the Voyager, also looking for a second member of the Naceen Caretaker species, who they believe to be somewhere in the Delta Quadrant. Chakotay, Captain of the Maquis ship, agrees to become First Officer of the Voyager. Harry Kim, on his first deep space assignment, remains OPS officer. Tom Paris has his commission reactivated, and becomes Con officer. Tuvok returns to his post as security officer. B'Elanna Torres becomes Chief Engineer. Chakotay's sometimes-lover Seska is also assigned to Engineering. (The Caretaker)

On Stardate 48481, a transporter accident while beaming from the USS Defiant, in Earth orbit, to San Franciso throws Benjamin Sisko, Julian Bashir and Jadzia Dax back in time to the year 2024. Remaining crew on the Defiant are eventually able to track the three, and recover them. In the interim, however, all evidence of Starfleet and the Federation disappear from the Sol system. 

Vedick Bariel is seriously injured in a transport accident, but is kept alive by Bashir while Kai Wynn negotiates with Legit Torral for a peace treaty between Bajor and Cardassia. Bariel suffers serious brain damage, resulting from an experimental drug. He dies of brain damage. Cardassia and Bajor sign a peace treaty. Although there is dissent from hard line elements on both sides, observers say it holds the potential for a new era. 

On Stardate 48579.4, the USS Voyager makes contact with a Romulan ship through a microscopic wormhole, and the Romulan captain actually beams through the wormhole. The Romulan, however, is from the year 2351. He returns to his ship with messages he agrees to keep the message chip for 20 years, and then turn it over to the Federation after the Voyager disappears. He, however, dies before the 20 years is up. 

On the Voyager, Seska is unveiled as a Cardassian, and escapes to a Kazon ship. 

A fleet combining forces of the Romulan Tal Sheyar and the Cardassian Obsidian Order invades the Gamma Quadrant, and attacks the Founders of the Dominion. The combined fleet is destroyed, ending the effectiveness of both secret orders. One or more Changlings had infiltrated the enemy forces, using shape changing abilities to pose as part of the attack force. 

Mark Seven transporters are commonly in use by Starfleet. 

Robert Picard, and his son Rene, burn to death on Earth, in a fire. Worf Roshenko is promoted to Lieutenant Commander. 

Doctor Soran attempts to destroy Veridan III in order to deflect the path of the Nexus, so that he can reenter the Nexus. Jean-Luc Picard attempts to stop him, and is drawn into the Nexus, where he discovers James T. Kirk. Kirk and Picard return to Veridian III and together prevent Soran from destroying the Veridian star. This saves the life of 250 million pre-industrial inhabitants of the system. In the process, Kirk falls into a deep canyon, and dies a few moments after Picard reaches his side. 

The USS Enterprise, 1701D is destroyed. The Battle section suffers a warp core breech following a battle with the Klingon Bird of Prey which had transported Soran to Veridian, and which had secretly obtained the Enterprise shield harmonic frequency. The Battle section explosion shock wave throws the detached Saucer into the atmosphere of Veridian III. The saucer crash lands, effectively trashing it beyond salvage. The Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Etor, who had lead the conspiracy to conquer the Klingon empire, are killed on the Bird of Prey explosion in the Veridian system. On 48650.1, a Starfleet task force lead by the USS Farragut evacuates the Enterprise crew. 

In the AGT timeline, the Enterprise is not destroyed and Picard remains in command. 

Worf considers resigning from Starfleet, and takes extended leave at the Klingon monastary on Boreth, sending Alexander to live with the Roshenkos in Earth. 

The Cardassians confess to locating the remains of a crashed Bajoran light sail ship, circa 800 years old. 

Kai Wynn is blackmailed into withdrawing from the political arena on Bajor. She retains her position as head of the church. 

The USS Voyager helps Jetrel attempt to reassemble the people whose molecular cohesion was dissolved by the Metrion Cascade, on Rynex in the Talaxian system. The attempt to save 300,000 people fails. Jetrel dies of Metrion poisoning, incurred 15 years earlier. 

In the AGT timeline, Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher are married. 

Jadzia Dax undergoes a ceremony that allows her to meet previous hosts of the symbiont Dax. The personalities of the previous hosts temporarily take up residence in the minds of Sisko, Kira, and others of the crew. Curzon confesses that he was in love with the young Jadzia, explaining why he washed her out of the initiate program and then allowed her to be reaccepted. 

Nog is sponsored to Starfleet Academy by Sisko, and, after testing, is accepted. 

Ben Sisko is promoted to Captain. 

Captain Lisa Cusak's escape pod crashes on a remote planet following the destruction of her ship. She makes contact with the USS Defiant via subspace radio and makes friends with the Defiant crew members who are coming to rescue her. She does not realize that she it talking with Defiant through a fluke three-year timewarp and they are in her future. She dies alone, thinking that they Defiant is about to arrive. (The Sound of her Voice)

Odo causes the death of a changling who had impersonated an ambassador and taken over the Defiant in an effort to begin a border war. The dieing Changling indicates to Odo that Changlings have infiltrated Starfleet and the Federation. A simple test is developed to determine whether a person is actually a Changling -- blood removed from a Changling will revert to its Changling form rather than retain the appearance of blood. It is later determined that this test can be fooled by the Changlings. 

The USS Voyager locates the home of the 37ers, whose ancestors were kidnapped from Earth in 1937. Amelia Earhart, and the others still in cyrogrnic stasis, are awakened. Earhart confirms that her round-the-world flight in 1937 was, in part, a secret mission to spy on the Japanese. Although the descendants of the 37ers invite the crew of the Voyager to remain with them, nobody takes them up on the offer. 


As relations deteriorate between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, Captain Sisko invites Lieutenant Commander Worf Roshenko, age 31, to be Tactical Operations Officer on Deep Space Nine. Sisko fires on a Klingon ship that is interfering with a ship owned by his girlfriend, enraging Gowron and the Klingon leadership. 

The Klingon Empire attacks Cardassia, in order to remove them as a possible hotbed of Changling infiltration. Kahless (the clone) objects to the attack, but Gowron proceeds anyway, egged on by one of his generals, Mordok. Sisko supports the Cardassians, earning the further emnity of the Klingons. Gowron proclaims the treaty ended. Federation citizens are ejected from the Klingon empire. Worf's family loses its seat on the High Council. The Klingons continue to occupy several systems they captured, and hostilities between the Klingons and the Federation continue. 

The USS Enterprise, NCC-1701E is commissioned, and command is given to Captain Jean-Luc Picard. With the exception of Lieutenant Commander Worf, all of his department heads from the Enterprise-D accept assignment to the Enterprise-E. The ship is assigned to the area formerly served by the Enterprise-D, in the vicinity of the Romulan Neutral Zone. 

Lwxanna Troi marries Jayal, a Tabnian, who bears a slight resemblance to Kang. 

On Voyager, Maquis crewman Suder is convicted of murder, and confined to his quarters for the duration of the voyage. 

In the Delta Quadrant, Chakotay makes contact with an alien species that has visited Earth several times over 45,000 years, and who were ancestors of Chakotay's tribe. They tell him of their travels, their interest in Earth, and their philosophy. 

Quark and Rom escort Nog to Earth, to begin his training at Starfleet Academy, traveling in a Ferengi shuttle. Odo stows away on the ship, in order to catch Quark transporting contraban. The ship is accidentally thrown back in time to 1947, but the four manage to return to their own time, and deliver Nog to San Francisco. 

The USS Voyager makes contact with Sysperia, the female Caretaker. Sysperia somehow knows of her mate's death, and does not believe that the crew of the Voyager is not evil. She returns to her home in subspace without fully understanding the plight of the crew of the Voyager. 

Kor returns to Deep Space Nine, bearing the Shroud of Kahless' Sword. Dax confirms its authenticity. Worf, Kor and Dax discover the Sword of Kahless, in the Gamma Quadrant, on what is apparently the remains of the world of the Hurk. The Sword, however, has an insidious effect on Worf and Kor, and they agree that the Empire is not ready for the devisiveness the Sword would produce. It is left adrift in space in the Gamma Quadrant. 

Several people are killed in an explosion in Antwerp on Earth, set by Changlings. Ben Sisko is called to Earth to serve as acting planetary head of security, because of his extensive experience with Changlings. He finds that Changlings have extensively infiltrated the planet, and suspects that a cloaked invasion fleet is on its way. 

In the Delta Quadrant, Voyager encounters the Praylor and Kravek robots. B'Elanna Torres almost gives them the secret of building new power supplies, but destroys her prototype at the last moment. 

Ohkarim Mahn emerges from the wormhole, and briefly claims to be the Emmisary. Sisko and Ohkarim reenter the wormhole, and the Profits agree to return Ohkarim to his own time. 

Lwxanna Troi discovers she is pregnant. Her husband Jayal, however, comes from a culture that insists that male children be raised by men, and attempts to gain custody of the baby, following her to Deep Space Nine. Odo and Lwxanna marry in order to cancel Jayal's claim on the child. She, however, does not understand his willingness to make it a real marriage, and leaves to return to Beta Zed. 

Jake Sisko writes the first draft of what will eventually be published as his first novel, Anslem. The novel is semi biographical, to the extent that the main character's mother dies, and he has a strong father. Jake's creativity is stimulated by Anaya, the entity that feeds on creativity. Ben Sisko, however, drives Anaya off before she kills Jake, leaving Jake with the understanding that he has great potential as a writer. 

The Founders infect Odo with a deadly disease, forcing him to return to the Great Link in order to be judged for killing a Changling months earlier. They judge him and entence him to remain in humanoid form permanently, retaining his half-formed humanoid face. While in the Link, Odo is told by his people that Gowron, leader of the Klingon Empire, has been replaced by a shape changer.

On the Voyager, Chakotay's lover, Maquis member Seska defects to the Kazon, and works with them to attempt to capture Voyager, because of the advanced technology it carrys. Seska obtains a DNA sample from Chakotay, and attempts to impregnate herself with Chakotay's child. Near the end of the year, Seska masterminds a deception in which she claims Chakotay's son is in danger. When Voyager attempts a rescue mission, repeated Kazon attacks knock out the ship's secondary processors, eliminating the ship's self destruction capability. Tom Paris escapes the battle in a warp shuttle, seeking assistance from a nearby friendly Talaxian colony. Kazon's capture Voyager and strand her crew on a primitive volcanic planet. Only convicted killer Suder and the holographic doctor remain behind on the ship. 


Tom Paris leads a rescue mission from the Talaxian colony, and recaptures Voyager. The mission is successful because convicted killer Suder kills several key Kazon before being killed himself. Paris returns Voyager to recover her crew on the volcanic world where they had been stranded. 

A commando team from Deep Space Nine unveils Mordok, a chief general serving under Gowron, as a shape changer. Sisko, O'Brien and Odo earn Gowron's thanks, however Worf continues in Gowron's bad graces. Gowron agrees to a temporary cease- fire and a beginning of negotiations with the Federation. 

A team lead by Captain Ben Sisko captures a derelict Jem'Haddar ship, and returns it to Starfleet experts for analysis. Cardassians return the Orb of Time to the Bajorans. While it is being transported in the USS Defiant, Arne Darvin, a Klingon disguised as a human, uses the orb to travel back in time on the US Defiant to the 23rd century to try to kill James T. Kirk. The Defiant crew thwarts the plot, and brings one or more tribbles back to the future. They subsequently infest Deep Space Nine. 

Captain Braxton, from the 29th century, arrives in the Delta Quadrant and attacks Voyager. Voyager repels the attack, and is drawn into Braxton's time vortex, pulled backwards in time to Earth in the year 1996. 

The Voyager crew encounters the reptilian Voth, who believe they are the oldest intelligent species in the Delta Quadrant. The Voth are surprised to find genetic similarities between themselves and the humans. Gegen, the chief researcher, is treated as a heritic when he suggests that the Voth originated on Earth. Gegen and his assistant, Veer, kidnap Chakotay to prove Gegen's claim. (Distant Origin)

While investigasting a planet with a natural energy barrier, the Defiant is thrown 200 years back in time and crashes. The decendents of the crew warn the current Defiant crew. This time the Defiant does not crash and the alternate timeline is canceled. (Children of Time)

Kai Winn meets with Dominion representative Weyoun on the station to discuss the Dominion's wish to sign a non-aggression treaty with Bajor. Sisko feels strongly that this would be an unwise move and convinces Kai Winn to stall the proceedings. (In the Cards)

The Voyager crew discovers a fleet of Borg ships destroyed by a mysterious new alien species while attempting to sneak through a narrow Borg free corridor in what is otherwise Borg-infested space. On a derelict Borg ship, they download Borg information -- the Borg call their enemies "Species 8472." The Borg have been repeatedly defeated by Species 8472 over the last five months. They are from Fluidic Space and are exiting into our space through an artificial singularity in the Borg-free corridor. The Doctor determines that Borg nanites could be programmed to allow assminiation of Species 8472 and Janeway negotiates a deal with the Borg for free passage in exchange for the Doctor's technology. As Species 8472 attacks again, Voyager escaped under a tractor beam, being towed to safety by a Borg ship. (Scorpion I)

Starfleet personnel on Deep Space Nine convert to the new Starfleet uniform, a jumpsuit with grey shoulders and turtleneck shirts with colors denoting departmental function. 

Kassidy Yates is released from prison after serving a six month sentence for supporting the Maquis. She and Sisko take the first steps to revive their relationship. 

Bajor's petiton to join the Federation is approved. Ben Sisko locates the remains of the legendary city of Bahalla, as the result of a series of visions. A subsequent vision, resulting from an encounter with the Orb of Prophesy causes him to announce that it is too soon for Bajor to join the Federation. His position as the Emissary causes Bajor to decline to sign the final membership paperwork. 

It becomes clear that the Dominion intends to take over the Alpha Quadrant. More and more Jam'Haddar ships come through the wormhole. Starfleet orders Sisko to keep reinforcements from reaching Cadassia. A plan is defeloped to mine the mouth of the wormhole. Starfleet cannot send reinforcements. The Dominion spokesman Weyoun threatens to take over Deep Space Nine if the plan proceeds. Starfleet personnel are evacuated from the station. Martog and the Klingons protect the Defiant as the mine field is completed. Sisko leaves Kira in command of the station to meet the Cardassian forces who take over the station. (Call to Arms)

A Borg ship attacks Earth and is met by an armada of Starfleet ships, including the USS Defiant, called from Deep Space Nine to assist in the defense. the Defiant is heavily damaged, and its crew is beamed to the Enterprise. Jean-Luc Picard, of the USS Enterprise E, guides the Starfleet attack on the Borg ship, leading to itsdestruction. A spherical scout ship escapes, however, and generates a time travel field. As the Enterprise chases it into the time field, he detects a planet Earth of an alternate timeline, filled with billions of Borg. The Borg travel to the year 2065, in an attempt to stop the first human warp flight, and thus prevent first contact with the Vulcans, and the resulting formation of the United Federation of Planets. The Enterprise returns to the present, missing its sensor dish and filled with Borg paraphenalia. 


A Borg drone, Seven of Nine, is assigned as a liaison to the Voyager crew. A combination of Starfleet and Borg technology is developed and Voyager enters fluidic space to attack species 8472. It is discovered that the Borg began the conflict to trying to conquer fluidic space. Voyager does not end up giving the Borg the Doctor's nanotechnology. A Borg ship sacrifices itself to save Voyager and Voyager escapes, with Seven of Nine still on board. She is disconnected from the collective and begins the process of learning to be an individual. (Scorpion II)

Captain Sisko and his officers are sent in a mission in a captured Jem'Haddar ship to destroy the Dominion's stockpile of Ketrecel White. The succeed and escape, but their ship is stranded without warp drive.(A Time to Stand) They land on a planet that they later learn also has Jem'Haddar soldiers stranded on it. They capture Garak and Nog to blackmail Sisko's people into treating their injured Vorta leader. Sisko builds a relationship with eht Jem'Haddar leader, but has to kill him and the other Jem'Haddar because they refuse to disobey their Vorta. O'Brien repairs the Dominion communicatiosn gear and the Federation team is rescued by Worf. (Rocks and Shoals)

Sisko is promoted to a leadership position in the war effort. Dax takes permanent command of the Defiant. (Behind the Lines)

Kes begins to evolve into a non-corporial form of life. This usually happens at the end of an Ocompa's nine year lifespan. Kes may have been triggered early by her mental contact with Species 8472. She gives off dangerous quantom vibrations and barely avoids destroying Voyager before she leaves in a shuttle. As a parting gift, she manages to throw Voyager a few years travel time closer to Earth. (The Gift)

Alexander Roshenko joins the war effort, although he is generally unsuited to the life of a warrior. After prooving himself, Alexander is welcomed into the house of Martog. (Sons and Daughters)

Voyager has to eject its warp care. Trying to recover it, the shuttle of Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres is attacked and they end up floating in space suits, about to run out of air. Thinking they are about to die they admit they are in love with each other. Voyager rescues them at the last minute. (Day of Honor)

In the face of declining morale in Starfleet because the war effort is going poorly, Sisko launches a plan to retake Deep Space Nine. Meanwhile, The cardassians on the space station struggle to take down the minefield blocking the wormhole. (Favor the Bold) The fleets engage each other. Only Defiant gets through the Dominion/Cardassian line. The minefield comes down. Sisko takes Defiant into the wormhole and convinces the Prophets to prevent the Dominion fleet from entering the Alpha Quadrant, which they do. Exiting the wormhole again, Defiant discovers that Federation reinforcements are on teh way. The Cardassians abandon Deep Space Nine and return to Cardassia. Dukat's daughter, Zygal, refuses to leave the station, admitting that she has helped the resistance. Dukat's second-in-command, Damar, kills Zygal. Dukat, in shock, remains behind when Sisko takes command of the station again. (Sacrifice of Angels)

Worf and Dax are married, but not before Martog temporarily refuses to accept Dax into his family, causing Dax to be evaluated by the mistress of the house, Martok's wife, Sirella (You Are Cordially Invited)

Ducat suffers a nervous breakdown over the death of his daughter. A ship transporting Dukat and Sisko crashes and Duket escapes, apparently insane. (Waltz)

Voyager finds the ruins of the Federation ship Raven, which belonged to Seven of Nine's parents before they were assiminated. They were scientists who tracked down the rumored Borg and tried to study them. They were eventually assiminated. Seven learns that she was once called Anika Hansen. (The Raven)

In an alternate timeline, Krenim of the Annorax travels the timelines, trying to alrer time to bring back his family who had been killed when a colony was destroyed years earlier. Voyager comes under attack by Krenim and over the course of a year sustains heavy damage. Janeway ends up ramming Voyager into Krenim's ship. The "temporal wake" from the explosion resets everything and the "real" Voyager crew never knows they have gone through the year-long conflict with Krenim. (The Year of Hell I & II)

Sisko considers leaving Starfleet, but after having a dream of 1953 science fiction writer Benny Russell, he decides to remain in Starfleet. (Far Beyond the Stars)

Dr. Bashir has his first encounter with Sloan, agent of Section 31, a branch of Starfleet intelligence that long ago becaue totally independent, to the point that Starfleet Command does not realize that it exists. Bashir is told that Section 31 protects the Federation by whatever means it takes. (Inquisition)

Voyager discovers an ancient communications network that allows the ship to communicate with the Alpha Quadrant. The Doctor's program is sent through the array to let Starfleet know that Voyager is still kicking. He lands on an experimental ship, the Prometheus, but has to work with the Mark II Holodoctor to repulse a Romulan attack. The Doctor returns and it looks like marginal contact with Starfleet may be possible. (Message in a Bottle)

The Voyager crew receives messages from home over the alien communications array, but the owners of the array arrive and are not pleased. They are the Hirogen a species that lives for the hunt. they think that the Voyager crew will make excellent prey. Voyager escapes by destroying the Hirogen ship but the communications array is rendered nonfunctional. Much of the data received from Starfleet is damaged and almost impossible to translate. (Hunters)

Sisko convinces the Romulan empire to enter the war. The Romulans formally declare war on the Dominion. (In the Pale Moonlight)

Dr. Bashir unveils his new holodeck program that features "Vic," a lounge singer in a 1962 Las Vegas casino nightclub. Kira and Odo discover their feelings for each other and become romantically involved. (His Way)

An ancient tablet is found on Bajor addressing the Emmissary. Sisko destroys the tablet, releasing a "Pah Wraith," an evil Prophet long ago banished from the wormhole. The Pah Wraith enters the wormhole and the wormhole stops functioning. (The Reckoning)

Voyager encounters the Kyrian people and an alternate timeline is spun off in which Voyager is destroyed and equipment holding the Doctor's holoprogram ends up in a Kyrian museum. (Living Witness)

Eight year old Molly O'Brien is lost 300 years into the part in a time vortex. She is returned having lived 18 years in the past on an otherwise uninhabited planet. She is uncivilized and has greast trouble adapting. O'Brien steals a shuttle to take her back to her planet and sends her back to the past, but before the vortex closes, she sends has eight year old send back to her parents, having spend only a few minutes in the past. The alternate timeline is thus canceled. (Time's Orphan)

An alien named Arturis claims to have translated the badly damaged message received from Starfleet. The information leads Voyager to an advanced ship that appears to be Starfleet with a highly advanced "Slipstream Drive." It turns out, however, that the ship is not Starfleet and Arturis is seeking revenge against the Voyager crew. (Hope and Fear)

The Voyager crew discovers a space habitat that perfectly reproduces Starfleet Headquarters in San Francisco, complete with Starfleet personnel who act as if it really is San Francisco. It turns out that Species 8472 is planning to invade Earth. Janeway convinces the leader of the aliens, impersonating Boothby, that the Federation is not the enemy of Species 8472. He and his people return home to try to convince their superiors of the same thing. (In the Flesh)

The crew of the Defiant makes friends by radio with Captain Lisa Cusak, who informs them that her escape pod has crashed on a remote planet following the destruction of her ship. When they arrive to rescue her, they discover that she has been dead for three years and that they were somehow communicating with her across a three year gap in subspace. (The Sound of her Voice)

Voyager attempts to use Slipstream Drive to get back to the Alpha Quadrant. Chakotay and Harry Kim signal Seven of Nine from 15 years in the future, preventing an accident with the Slipstream Drive that would have caused Voyager to crash on an ice planet. (Timeless)

Captain Janeway develops a plan to steal a piece of Borg hardware that might help get Voyager home. Seven of Nine of captured by the Borg Queen and Janeway has to confront the Queen to get Seven back. (Dark Frontier)

Captain Braxton of the 29th century Federation Timeship Relativity contacts Seven of Nine to go back in time to solve the mystery of who planted the "temporal disrupter" which ultimately destroyed the U.S.S. Voyager. (Relativity)

Dukat releases a Pah Wraith from a figuring in which it hs been trapped and sneaks back onto Deep Space Nine. Duket kills Jadzia. The woman dies although Dr. Bashir is able to save the Dax symbiont. Sisko takes a leave of absense from Starfleet and returns to Earth with his son, Jake.(Tears of the Prophets)

The USS Voyager encounters the USS Equinox and renders assistance. When Janeway discovers that Ransom is killing alien lifeforms to get home, she arreses him, but Ransom and his crew steal technology from Voyager and escape, leaving Voyager dead in the water and under attack from the aliens.


Janeway catches up with the USS Equinox and wages a crusade to stop the Equinox crew from killing aliens. Captain Ransom repents, but is killed when his ship is destroyed. A few Equinox survivors are saves by Voyager, to live under very close supervision. (Equinox II)

Three former Borg who were once part of Seven of Nine's working group track her down to discover why they are linked in a sort of mini-collective. Releasing them from their link to each other is a process that dooms them to death within a few days -- a fate they accept. (Survival Instinct)

B'Elanna Torres has a vision and believes that her mother has died. (Barge of the Dead)

Sisko, working on Earth in his father's restaurant, learns that the Dax symbiont was emplanted into a young Trill Starfleet officer, Ezri, who was unporepared for the experience. The symbiont, however, cannot be removed. Sisko learns about his mother, Sarah, who left his father when Ben was young and later died. Sisko discovers that his mother's locket bears the Bajoran words "The Orb of the Emmissary." Ben is attacked by a member of a Bajoran cult that worships the Pah Wraiths. Sisko decides me must go to Tyree, the planet on which a vision of his mother was set. (Image in the Sand)

On Tyree, Sisko discovers the Orb of the Emmissary and uses it to expel the Pah Wraith from the wormhole. sisko has another vision of his mother, who reveals that she is a wormhole alien who tookm over Sarah's body to ensure that Sisko was born to fulfill his destiny. (Shadows and Symbols)

Ezri accepts Sisko's offer to remain on Deep Space Nine as counselor, accepting promotion to Lieutenant. She has great difficulty dealing with the memories of her many lives and with how Jadzia's friends treat her. (Afterimage)

Odo learns from one of the Weyoun clones that the Great Link is infected with a dreaded disease. Because he has been isollated from the link, he is not infected. (Treachery, Faith, and the Great River)

Aging Klingon warrier Kor joins the crew of Martog's flagship. When Martog and worf are injured he briefly takes command but becomes delusional, believing he is fighting a battle of the past. In order to save the ship, he beams to an enemy ship and dies a warrier's death, thuis inspiring Martog's crew to vistory. (Once More Unto the Breach)

The USS Voyager encounters the Vaadwaur, sleeping in stasis. Seven of Nine impulsively awakens them. They try to capture Voyager but fail, escaping into their subspace corridors. (Dragon's Teeth)

In the Delta Quadrant, the USS Voyager discovers the spacial anomoly that captured the orbiter module from the first Earth-Mars manned mission in 2032. The module is revocered and placed in storage on Voyager to be taken home. (One Small Step)

On Earth, Reginald Barclay becomes obsessed with Voyager and seeks help from Deanna Troi. He ends up developing a means of occasional communication with Voyager -- just a few minutes each month. (Pathfinder)

Ferengi Starfleet officer Nog receives an injury resulting in the loss of a leg. (The Siege of AR-558)

Dukat becomes the leader of a cult worshiping the Pah Wraiths on the Empok Nor space station. Kira exposes him as a fraud, but he escapes. (Covenant)

When a shuttle carrying Chakotay and other crew members is captured by a hostile Borg ship, Janeway offers a trade for the hostages but soon discovers that her rival ship is manned by a handful of unpredictable but deadly Borg youths intent upon assimilation. Seven of Nine helps subdue them and separate them from the Collective. She becomes their mentor. (Collective)

Kes returns to the ship swearing vengeance against Captain Janeway for reasons that aren't very clear. Her memory has been damaged, but a tape recording of herself made years earlier convinces her that Janeway is not evil. Kes departs for Ocampa to help her people, who are about to lose power once provided by the Caretaker. (Fury)

At Jupiter Station, Doctor Zimmerman is deathly ill. To try to treat him, Voyager's holographic doctor beams his program to the Alpha Quadrant but Zimmerman refuses treatment. Reg Barclay and Deanna Troi discover that Zimmerman is refusing because the holoprogram was deemed a failure by Starfleet and all of the holograms except Voyagers relegated to mining duties. (Lifeline)

Odo meets another of the changelings sent out by the Founders as babies, Laas. Odo eventually decline's Laas' offer to join together to locate the other 98 changelings to create a new Great Link. (Chimera)

The Deep Space Nine Finale Episode Arc

Sisko asks Kasidy to marry him. Ezri steals a ship to search for Worf, who is missing on a mission. Finding him, they are soon captured by a Jem'Haddar ship and imprisoned. As the result of several days in prison together, their mixed feelings toward each other evaporate in favor of passion. The condition of the female shapeshifter leading the Dominion forces in the Alpha Quadrant is rapidly deteriorating. Dukat has himself surgically altered to look like a Bajoran and he insinuates himself into the graces of Kai Winn. Sarah tells Sisko in a vision that his greatest trial is about to begin and that he must not marry Kasidy. (Penumbra)

Sisko and Kasidy are married. An alliance is formed between the Dominion and the Breen, providing a powerful new fleet to oppose the Federation alliance. (`Til Death Do Us Part)

Damar, formerly Dukat's lieutenant and now commander of Cardassian forces, realizes that the Dominion alliance with the Breen is not beneficial to Cardassia. Dukat makes progress in leading Winn to worship of the Pah Wraiths. Still in prison, worf realizes that he does not hold the same feelings for Ezri that he did for Jadzia. She realizes that she has feelings for Bashir, who also is attracted to her. As Worf and Ezri are lead to their execution, Damar helps them escape and sends the message with them that the Federation now has a friend on Cardassia. Winn concludes that she has been abandoned by the Prophets and tells Duket that she is ready to walk the path of the Pah Wraiths and overcome all foes. (Strange Bedfellows)

The Breen attack Starfleet Headquarters on Earth. Duket tells Winn she must release the Pah Wraiths from their prison in the fire Caves, deep inside Bajor, by reading an ancient forbidden text. The pages of the book, however, are blank and Winn begins studying to learn how to read them. The Breen launch an offensive in the Chin'toka system. In battle there, The Defiant is destroyed. Sisko and his crew escape. Winn murders an aide who threatens to expose Duket. Drops of his blood fall on the book and the text is revealed. Rebels under the command of Damar attack the Dominion and Sisko realizes that Damar could be the key to ending the war. (The Changing Face of Evil)

Bashir discovers that Odo is also infected with the Founder's disease. Sisko sends Kira, Garak and Odo on a secret mission to Cardassia to train and work with Damar's troops. Bashir and O'Brien realize that the Founder's disease was created by Section 31 and Bashir vows to find the cure. Dukat is blinded when he looks at the Book, which Winn sees as punishment for defying the Pah Wraiths. Gowron comes to Deep Space Nine to take command of Klingon forces and announces a poorly conceived plan to send dangerously outnumbered Klingon forces into Dominion territory. (When it Rains...)

Kira and Damar's forces sneak onto a Breen ship to find out why Starfleet shields are ineffective against Breek weapons. Martog declines to challenge Gowron's leadership so Worf challenges and kills Gowron. While he could claim the Klingon crown, he declares Martog as the rightful Chancellor of the Klingon council. (Tacking Into the Wind)

Kira brings the seriously ill Odo back to the station. Bashir and O'Brien confront Section 31 agent Sloan, luring him to the station. They use a Romulan mind probe to enter his mind and, just before Sloan dies, they discover the cure to the Founder's Disease. Odo is cured. (Extreme Measures)

The sister ship of the Defiant arrives and is named Defiant II. Kira, Garak and Damar barely escape a Dominion attack and Damar is reported as dead, giving him legendary status on Cardassia. The female shapeshifter orders a strategic retreat of Dominion forces to Cardassian space. The Alpha Quadrant Alliance plans an all-out attack on the new Dominion defensive perimeter in Cardassian space. (The Dogs of War)

The Cardassian resistance is growing and the female shapeshifter orders Cardassian cities destroyed in retaliation. Kira, Garak and Damar plan an invasion of Dominion headquarters on Cardassia in a final desperate effort. The Great fleets meet in all-out combat. As the battle appears to be lost by the Federation, the Cardassian ships change sides and attack the Breen and Jem'Haddar ships. They have learned of the Cardassian resistance and the destruction of Cardassian cities. The Alpha Quadrant forces pursue the Dominion ships back to Cardassia. Damar is killed but Kira and Garak take the female shapeshifter into custody. Because of the disease she can no longer shapechange and cannot escape. Odo beams down from the Defiant and joins with her, curing her disease. She immediately surrenders, knowing that it is the only way to save her people. The surrender documents are signed. Worf becomes Fderation ambassador to the Klingon Empire. Back on the station, Sisko has a vision from his mother and abruptly leaves the vistory party. Dukat and Winn have entered the Fire Caves. Winn dies and Dukat and Sisko tumble off a cliff into the fire below. Sisko awakes with the Prophets. Sarah assures him that he has completed his task by imprisoning the Pah Wraiths in the Fire Caves. He is a Prophet now, immortal and living outside linear time. He appears to Kasidy, who is pregnant, and assures her that he will return someday. (What You Leave Behind)

O'Brien leaves DSN to teach at Starfleet Academy. Worf leaves to take up his duties as Ambassador. Ezri and Bashir, now a couple, remain on the station. Kira takes Odo to the home planet of the Great Link where he cures his people, remaing with them. Kira returns to Deep Space Nine as its commander. (What You Leave Behind)

Seven of Nine discovers that she is one of 20,000 Borg drones who have visited a virtual world while regenerating. The drones do not remember the Unimatrix Zero when they awake and Seven has a lover in the virtual world. The Collective, however, is getting close to discovering hot to access the world and the inhabitants contact Seven for help. Meanwhile, Janeway develops a plan to protect Unimatrix Zero and thus create a Borg resistance movement. In executing the plan, Janeway, Torres and uvok are assimilated. (Unimatrix Zero)

In the AGT timeline, the Klingon Empire invades the Romulan Empire, and conquers it over the next two years. Spock's diplomatic status is recognized by the Klingons, and he eventually returns to Vulcan. Deanna Troi dies; Riker and Worf are alienated over the Troi/Worf courtship. 


The team from Voyager succeeds in injecting a virus into the Borg Collective that allows visitors to Unimatrix Zero to remember their experiences there when they return to the Collective. Janeway, Torres and Tuvok are protected from assimilation by a treatment developed by the doctor. Several Borg ships are freed from the Collective and attack the Borg Queen. Seven's lover is among those freed, but he is all the way across the galaxy from her. (Unimatrix Zero II)

Three of the four Borg children leave Voyager, to Seven's consternation. (Imperfection)

Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres are married. Soon after, she discovers she is pregnant.

B'Elanna Torres begins to come to terms with her father, who ledt her mother abruptly when B'elanne was young. (Lineage)

Voyager meets a Klingon ship that left the Alpha Quadrant generations earlier. The occupants of the ship become convinced that the unborn daughter of Tom and B'Elanna Torres is a prophesied savior of the Klingon people. They destroy their ship and Voyager gives them refuge. Later they agree to take up residence on a nearby habitable planet. (Prophesy)

Seven of Nine and Chakotay begin a relationship.

Q visits Voyager with his son, who now appears to be and acts like a teenager. Captain Janeway helps them reconcile and bridge their generation gap. (Q2)

Mark I Emergency Medical Holograms, now relegated to mining and other low level duties, receive a copy of a holoprogram written by Voyager's holographic doctor. (Author, Author)

Voyager locates the remains of Friendship One, a warp probe sent out from Earth. The Voyager crew lreans that the databases on the probe have destroyed the civilization of the people who located it. (Friendship One)

Voyager locates a Talaxian colony located on an asteroid. Neelix helps the Talaxians drive off miners who plan to destroy their asteroid. He decided to leave Voyager and stay with the colony. He rapidly becomes fond of a Talaxian woman, Dexa, and her son, Brax. He begins wooing Dexa. (Homestead)

Admiral Janeway returns from years in the future to help her younger self get Voyager home using Borg transwarp corridors. The Admiral sacrifices herself in order to infect the Borg Queen with a virus that causes the destruction of the Unimatrix One core of the Borg hive mind. Captain Janeway gets Voyager home, but not until after the ship is enveloped by a Borg sphere and destroyed by Voyager from within with futuristic weapons provided by the Admiral. (Endgame)

Shortly after returning Voyager home, Kathryn Janeway is promoted to Admiral.

The power left behind for the Ocampa by the Caretaker is exhausted, and the Ocampa people are forced to survive on their own, in spite of the hostile forces of the Kazon. 


In the AGT timeline, Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Picard are divorced. He accepts an appointment as ambassador to the Klingon Empire, and surrenders command of the USS Enterprise. Worf assumes his family's seat on the Klingon Council, surrendering his Starfleet Commission. William T. Riker is promoted to Captain of the Enterprise. 


In the AGT timeline, Geordi LaForge and newly single Leah Brahams are married, and have their first child. He decides to give up his VISOR, in favor of cloned eyes. He also begins writing fiction. Two more children follow. 


In the AGT timeline, Jean-Luc Picard retires, and returns home to LeBarre, France, to tend the vinyards, as his father had always hoped. Geordi LaForge and other friends attend his retirement party. Beverly Picard is named Captain of the medical ship USS Pasteur. Relations between the Klingon/Romulan Empire and the Federation cool, and return to a cold war footing. 

In the AGT timeline, the first Nova Class starships come on line, replacing the Galaxy Class as Starfleet's primary ships-of-the-line. 


In an alternate timeline, Chakotay and Harry Kim in the stolen Delta Flyer signal Seven of Nine 15 years into the past, preventing an accident with an experimental use of the Slipstream Drive that would have caused Voyager to crash on an ice planet at the edge of the Alpha Quadrant. Captain Geordi LaForge of the USS Challenger attempts to stop the Delta Flyer from changing the timeline. (Timeless)


In the AGT timeline, William T. Riker is promoted to Admiral, and assigned command of Starbase 247, along the troubled border with the Klingon/Romulan Empire. He selects the USS Enterprise, scheduled for decommissioning, as his flagship, and the ship is refitted, with a third warp nacelle, engines capable of warp 13, and augmented weapons. Data accepts a teaching position at Cambridge University, and takes up residence in the house once occupied by Sir Issac Newton. 


In the AGT timeline, Jean-Luc Picard makes his final starship voyage, to the Deveron system, in the former Romulan Neutral Zone, aboard the USS Pasteur, where he inadvertantly triggers creation of a space/time anamoly which extends backward in time, preventing the creation of life on Earth. USS Enterprises from 2396, 2370 and 2364 converge on the anamoly and dissipate it. 



A very weak subspace radio message sent by the Enterprise from the M33 galaxy, 2,700,000 light years away, arrives at Federation space. 


End of the normal Vulcan lifespan for Spock. 

A robot ship launched in 2266 by the United Federation of Planets arrives in the Andromeda Galaxy, carrying greetings of the Federation to the Kelvan Empire. 


Practical time travel is used by historians to gather information on the past. 


Kal Dayno invents the Taax Utat--a quantum phase inhibitor, in the shape of a large crystal, capable of halting all nuclear activity within a star. Two Vorgon criminals, Azure and Boratus, attempt to steal the Utat, and Dayno flees to the year 2140, where he hides it on Rhysa, in the starbase 12 district. 

The 100 Changlings sent out centuries earlier to learn about "solid" lifeforms begin returning home to the Gamma Quadrant. 


Starfleet Captain Braxton, of the Federtion timeship Aeon, observes an explosion that destroys the solar system. In the debris, he locates part of Voyager's secondary hull. He uses his timeship to travel to the 24th century to destroy it, to prevent it from causing the explosion. 


In an alternate timeline 700 years after the USS Voyager was destroyed in the Kyrian system, the holographic doctor's program is reactivated and he is put on trial for alleged crimes of Voyager. He eventually refutes the inaccurate reconstruction of events and becomes a medical leader on their world. Many yeasrs later he leaves, headed for the Alpha Quadrant. (Living Witness)


This timeline is a fan-produced publication. It is based on the Star Trek universe, as depicted in three live action television series and six motion pictures. It is an attempt, for the purposes of literary review and criticism, to assemble and coordinate all dates and historical facts presented in Star Trek.  It has taken a decade to reach this point. Since it is not the product of a Paramount copyright license, it may not be sold, however the publication itself is copyrighted, and should be distributed unaltered. It does NOT draw from Star Trek: The Animated Series, nor from printed sources, such as the many Pocket Books Star Trek novels, or the various technical publications of Franz Joseph, FASA, etc. 

This evolving document originated long before Mike and Denise Okuda's Star Trek Chronology was published. Most dates are in very close agreement, however to avoid copyright infringement, no effort has been made to make this document conform with the Okuda's, other than as a result of subsequent information presented on screen.

Many subjective decisions had to be made in aligning the entries of this timeline. Vague dates were defined as specific years where possible. Many dates had to be inferred. In some cases, I have applied my own interpretation to statements made on screen for which there is no "proof."  As such, your mileage may vary.

This timeline assumes that for the television series, one season equals one year. This assumption is supported by the TNG fourth season episode Data's Day, in which Data says that 1,500 days have passed since the commissioning of the Enterprise, which equals 4 years, 40 days. It was fairly clear that the ship was brand new in Encounter at Farpoint. 

Unless evidence is given otherwise, this timeline assumes that people enter the Starfleet Academy at age 18 and graduate 4 years later. It follows the schedule of rank advancement which Data told his brother Lore: 2 years as an Ensign followed by ten years as Lieutenant (JG) and Lieutenant. Duration as a Lieutenant Commander, Commander and Captain is a much more of a grey area, and is based on what is known about the individual. I have often taken a rank and extrapolated backward to get a birth year. I also postulate that some officers return to the Academy when they become a Lieutenant for advanced command training. This explains why Lieutenant Saavik was among cadets in ST2, and also fits with various other dates.

Some dates and events in this timeline are pure conjecture on my part. While I feel they are consistent with the stated facts, they are very open to later contradiction. 

A prime example is my dating the creation of the United Federation of Planets somewhat AFTER the original war with the Romulans. The episode Balance of Terror, filmed before Gene Roddenberry had firmed up his thoughts about the UFP, talked about the Romulans' war with Earth, lending support to creation of the UFP after that point. After this section of my timeline was written, on-screen statements essentially confirmed my theory. 

Fans of other works of Gene Roddenberry will note that the Questor story premise is included in this timeline, since the end of this android's life span happens shortly after the creation of the United Federation of Planets, as dated in The Outcast. My date for the birth of Surak is much later that postulated by Diane Duane in her excellent novel Spock's World. I feel that Vulcans would have made much more technological progress if they had turned to logic thousands of years ago. Similarly, the date for Kahless' coup that created the Klingon Empire is pure guesswork. 

Few Star Trek dates are known definitively, but those that ARE known are a key to the remaining organization of this timeline. (Note that the abbreviations are as follows: TNG=The Next Generation, TOS=The Original Series, ST#=Star Trek movie number.) 

  1. In The Neutral Zone, Data said it was the year 2364. Combine that with the "78 years have passed" statement from the beginning of Encounter at Farpoint, and you get 2285-86 for ST2-5. (Encounter at Farpoint was produced between ST3 and ST4.) 
  2. In Sarek, the ambassador's age was given as 202, whereas in Journey to Babel it was given as 102 years old, meaning the second year of TOS was 2266. These are assumed to be Federation standard years. 
  3. The remark from ST3 that the Enterprise is 20 years old is considered incorrect in this timeline because is it inconsistent with points 1 and 2 above. However it HAD been close to 20 years since Kirk first set foot on the Enterprise. Maybe that's what the Admiral meant, but didn't express too well. 
  4. I place the second TOS pilot, Where No Man Has Gone Before in 2264, with the remainder of season one in 2265, to account for the slight design differences seen on the Enterprise after that episode. Since Mark Piper is Chief Medical Officer of the ship in that episode, I conclude that McCoy joined the crew in that early 2265 time frame. 
  5. ST1 is set in 2272 as a reasonable time for a major refit of the Enterprise, three years (called The Lost Years by Pocket Books) after the end of it's five year voyage under Kirk. I sometimes think of the years between ST1 and 2 as "The Other Lost Years." More Lost Years now must be set in the years between ST5 and 6, and of course "The Undiscovered Country" after ST6. 
  6. I place ST6 in 2293 because: In Reunion, Geordi said Klingons and Romulans had been blood enemies for 75 years. TNG season four is 2367, minus 75 years gives about 2293. They did NOT appear to be blood enemies yet in ST6. McCoy said he had been CMO of the Enterprise for 27 years. Mark Piper was CMO in Where No Man Has Gone Before, meaning McCoy transferred to the Enterprise in 2265. 2265 plus 27 is 2292 or 93. 2293 would also be about the end of a five year voyage beginning in 2287, somewhat after the Sybok incident. Scotty had been in the USS Jenolen transporter pattern buffer for about 75 years. Based on 2369 for TNG season six, this gives 2295-6 for his disappearance, making 2296 the absolute latest ST6 could have happened. 
  7. Similar to TOS, I place the TNG pilot, Encounter at Farpoint, in the year before season one, although I expect little time passed between EAF and the remainder of season one. 
  8. The date of the Khitomer massacre is only given by Picard as a vague "20 years ago," but calculating Worf's age backward from the date of his promotion from Lieutenant (JG) to full Lieutenant, as outlined above, and given his statement from Heart of Glory that he was 6 when the attack occurred, the result is exactly 20 years before Sins of the Father. As a result, in TNG season 1 Worf is 23, and in DSN season 4, Worf is 32. 

1992 marked the date given in TOS for the beginning of the Eugenics Wars, from 1992 to 1996. As Spock described it, a group of supermen who are the product of "selective breeding," (later modified in ST2 to be "genetic engineering") seized power simultaneously in over 40 nations, with entire populations being bombed out of existence. Since this war did not begin in 1992, we are be forced to admit that the Star Trek timeline is apparently an alternate one to our own, having diverged some time after 1930. The theory of some third party print literature that the 40 simultaneous coups were all done in secret is not considered valid in this timeline. Spock made clear that the population became war weary and would have been afraid to know that over 80 of the "supermen" were still at large. This war was obviously NOT a secret in the Star Trek universe.

One additional note: Many spellings of planet names and people are difficult to pin down. The Star Trek Next Generation Companion was an invaluable source for proper spellings, as were various novelizations and other printed sources. Where no confirmed spelling is known, it has been necessary to...guess. 

Michael Marek