String Bass Solo Works
Robert C. Marek - American Composer

Robert Marek arranged several works for string bass and orchestral accompaniment. These works are for sale through Lemur Music, Inc., a firm specializing in music and supplies for the string bass. Proceeds from the sale of this music are used by the composer's estate to fund music scholarships and to support further promotion and performance of Marek's music.

The Marek Editions for string bass are complete orchestrations which include the score and a single copy of each part. These highly effective orchestrations provide an excellent balance between soloist and orchestra. Playable by both junior and more advanced ensembles, these works provide an impressive item on your program.

Copyright Provisions:  Purchase of any Marek Edition catalog item gives the owner one (1) license for unlimited performance rights with standard program credit.  It is intended that the owner photocopy instrumental parts and portions of the score as needed to facilitate performance.  The owner may not reproduce complete sets to provide permanently to others.

In 1999, Marek Editions began a project of creating high-quality new editions of each of the works in the String Bass inventory listed bellow. The first of these new editions was the Eccles Sonata in G minor, released in January 2000, in time for the 85th anniversary of Dr. Marek's birth. New editions of both versions of the Dragonetti Concerto were released in November 2000 and the Vanhal Concerto in  September 2003.

The following works for String Bass and orchestra are currently available, arranged by Robert Marek (except where noted).  Click on links below to listen to midi files of the works:

    Dragonetti Concerto

    Dragonetti Concerto in A - Second Edition copyright 2000
    Dragonetti Concerto in G (for bass in orchestral tuning) - Second Edition copyright 2000

    These concerti are the same orchestration, transposed.

    Eccles Sonata in G minor (string accompaniment -- use International Edition solo part) Second Edition copyright 2000

    Vanhal Concerto

    Vanhal Concerto in D major - Second Edition copyright 2002
    Vanhal Concerto in E major (orchestration for solo tuning) - Second Edition copyright 2002

    These concerti are the same orchestration, transposed.  The parts include Solo, Flute, Oboe I & II, Basoon, Horn in F I & II, Violin I & II, Viola, Cello and Contrabass.

    Marek Sonatina for String Bass

    Dr. Marek's original Sonatina with two movements, Andantino and Allegro. Listen to a midi file of the Sonatina.

    Bottesini Concerto #2 in B minor (Temporarily withdrawn from market pending creation of new edition)

    Capuzzi Concerto (Temporarily withdrawn from market pending creation of new edition)

Capuzzi Concerto in F major -- The original "Marek" orchestration by Leona Marek in the 1960s (?) for her Bass students, and frequently leased for use by performers across the country before becoming available through Lemur Music.

Capuzzi Concerto in D major

These concerti are separate arrangements/orchestrations. 

Dr. Marek's manuscripts also contain a Vivaldi violin concerto arrangement for String Bass and orchestra. This work may also eventually be available for performance.

To order any of these orchestrations, contact Lemur Music or call 1-800-246-BASS.